Can you stop eating all mechanically processed foods?

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Dec 18, 2010
This has been helping me a lot... eating mostly fruits (organic as much as possible), vegetables (salads w/homemade dressing such as sunflower tahini), whole grains (brown rice)... definitely no fast food or anything with preservatives... very little dairy if any.

It takes a lot of determination, but i think it is worth it. Three years ago, I was scheduled for surgery to have a 15cm stricture removed, but got scared and opted out. I have tried meds, but didn't like the idea of suppressing my immune system and the possible side-effects.

Does anyone else have similar experience?
Good for you!

My experience isn't quite the same, but I'll say I'm in remission because of that diet. The only problem I've been having are a few deficiencies because I eliminated wheat and dairy. Go figure. Other than that, I eat lots of other grains and I keep trying to add goat cheese :/
My experience isn't quite the same, but I'll say I'm in remission because of that diet. The only problem I've been having are a few deficiencies because I eliminated wheat and dairy. Go figure. Other than that, I eat lots of other grains and I keep trying to add goat cheese :/
What deficiencies are you experiencing because you eliminated wheat and dairy?
I def think diet plays a big part although not purely on it's on. It makes sense to eat as naturally as possible. I personally eat too many sweet things and am trying to cut this out. Some natural foods eg chilli an ginger really upset my tummy therefore it's very much trial and error!! Has your stricture resolved with diet alone? I also don't like the idea of taking meds but I did have to have surgery in the end as my stricture resulted in a perforation.
Look into this book (I know some people are anti-God but suck it up and get over it) Its a great book with a diet made for crohns (if you hate God skip that part...) The advice is great and the author is a doctor with crohns and makes some of the best porbiotics that I have tried.... I recomend them for sure.
What deficiencies are you experiencing because you eliminated wheat and dairy?

I think partly the reason I'm severly deficient now is because I had a very strict diet. The rice noodles I was eating had no vitamins. Bread is fortified with b vitamins like folic acid. Dairy also has b vitamins. I'm allergic to over 30 foods including eggs so its very hard to balance everything. Anyhow, I wasn't really thinking clearly and limited my diet to certain foods rather than eating as much variety as I possibly could so now I'm not only B12 deficient, but also folic acid and thiamine deficient. I think the B12 deficiency was having a major impact even on my memory. Aside from the crohn's, I'm hoping I can reverse everything and that my stomach will heal. I'm not really dealing with crohn's pain--just burning spinal pain and gastritis. Its crazy:yfrown:.

Of course, I might not have been absorbing the b vitamins very well because of my chronic gastritis (doctor says I don't have crohn's in my stomach, really?). Who really knows.

Anyhow, now I eat lots of grains. I started eating gluten-free oatmeal+buckwheat+quinoa.

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