In addition to what's already been suggested, you can also juice fruit & veggies or put them into a smoothie. Juicing removes all the fiber, so you still get the nutrients without the potentially problematic fiber. Just keep in mind that fruit can be high in sugar, so if you do juicing, go for more veggies than fruit. For me, I tend to do an easy breakfast juice sometimes - the bulk of it is carrots, maybe a cucumber, and one apple for sweetness. It's delicious and I think it's pretty healthy.
As for losing weight, it's mainly about calories in vs calories out. As Teeny said, portion control is important. Exercise is great as well, but I've read that for weight loss the emphasis should be about 70% diet and 30% exercise. Meaning, exercise by itself isn't really going to help you lose a lot of weight. You need to mainly focus on diet if your goal is to lose weight. I know it's challenging when you have a lot of food triggers, but it's still totally possible. You might want to look into a calorie tracking app so that you can see how much you're actually eating in a typical day, and then look for ways to reduce your calorie intake bit by bit. You might also want to add in some weight-bearing exercise to build up muscle, because the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Good luck!