““The finding is remarkable because it means that a Crohn’s patient could also have a beneficial effect on their gut bacteria and inflammation by only switching the type of fat in their diet,” said Alexander Rodriguez-Palacios, DVM, DVSc, PhD, first author on the study and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. “Patients would only need to replace a ‘bad’ fat with a ‘good’ fat, and eat normal amounts.”
[best sheldon voice]
“Jimminy Cricket, those confounded science journalists are trying to bury the truth under the 'official message' – That really gets my gander up”
cant find the original paper/presentation, but every instance of reporting that I have found has been deliberate mis-reporting the results to keep people eating the soylent green...
“Patients would only need to replace a ‘bad’ fat with a ‘good’ fat, and eat normal amounts.”
-and we know saturated fats are bad and vegetable seed oils are good, right? Cause that’s what we have been told, but wait... That was cocoa butter and coconut oil? Saturated fats
lets dig in....
“In the new study, a diet of plant-derived “good” fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter, drastically reduced bacterial diversity in mice with Crohn’s-like disease.”
Wow, plant-derived ‘good’ fats, [y'know, like plant-based diet, and healthy fats, y'know, not those ones that kill ya]
but later....
"Mice fed even low concentrations of coconut oil or cocoa butter also had less severe small intestine inflammation.”
Sooo, does that mean..
-"Mice fed even
[only] low concentrations of coconut oil or cocoa butter also had less severe small intestine inflammation.”,
or does it mean....
"Mice fed even low concentrations of coconut oil or cocoa butter
[and the other “plant-derived “good” fats"- that shall forever remain nameless(?)] also had less severe small intestine inflammation”.
“Patients would only need to replace a ‘bad’ fat with a ‘good’ fat, and eat normal amounts.”
yeah, ‘bad’ fats, heart disease, cholesterol, saturated fat, 60 years of propaganda.......
yeah ‘good’ fats, heart healthy, plant derived, planet destroying monoculture,
oh, but....
eat cocoa butter and coconut oil,
what about the omega-6 pro-inflammatory vegetable seed oils?
hmmm, could’a been a bit clearer?
let’s try this one......
"In the new study, a diet of plant-derived "good" fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter, drastically reduced bacterial diversity in mice with Crohn's-like disease. “
“good fat, bad fat”, got it, “plant-derived”, got it,
don’t need to to read anymore
“a diet of plant-derived "good" fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter, “
yes, good fats and, surprisingly, coconut and cocoa, got it
"Patients would only need to replace a 'bad' fat with a 'good' fat, and eat normal amounts."
right, got the message
and the last line, love it....
“The trick now is to really discover what makes a fat 'good' or 'bad' for Crohn's disease."
because it’s complicated, remember......
i haven’t given up, lets try this.......
“A high-fat diet may cause changes to gut bacteria that could fight harmful inflammation, according to new research presented at Digestive Disease Week.”
ohhhh, do tell.....
“Findings shows that a diet of plant-derived fats, such as coconut oil or cocoa butter, markedly reduced bacterial diversity in mice with a disease process similar to Crohn’s. “
so waaaaaait a minute, here’s a good time to ask.....
Has anyone anywhere seen what they did in the study?
-Were they adding fat and eating less carbs?
-did they replace the “bad fats” (butter? animal fat?) that they were eating with “plant-derived "good" fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter."?
-did they replace the “good fats” that they were eating with “plant-derived "good" fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter."?
-did they just add “plant-derived "good" fats, including coconut oil or cocoa butter."?
Putting all that aside, obviously wasn’t important.....
my rant.....
plant-derived, yup, reduced diversity? you mean less is good when they are fucking you up inside???????, who’da thunk?,
ok , got it
“plant-derived "good" fats, including......”
“reduced activity”
wow, fat did that?
- less carbs? different fat? more fat?
Ongoing studies are now helping us to understand which component of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats make the difference in the gut microbes and make mice healthier,” Dr. Rodriguez-Palacios said. “Ultimately, we aim to identify the ‘good’ fat-loving microbes for testing as probiotics.”
ohhh, tooo long, lets edit that....
Ongoing studies are now helping us to [understand which component of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats make the difference in the gut microbes and make mice healthier,” Dr. Rodriguez-Palacios said. “Ultimately, we aim to]
identify the ‘good’ fat-loving microbes for testing as probiotics.”
et voila
““Ongoing studies are now helping us to identify the ‘good’ fat-loving microbes for testing as probiotics.”
and right at the end...
“but diet is something we are very hopeful could help at least some patients without the side-effects and risks carried by drugs. The trick now is to really discover what makes a fat ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for Crohn’s disease.”
wow, “at least some”? hardly worth looking at diet then is, lets have a cure....
ohhh wait, it’s a treatment? how long do i have to take this for? what? forever? how am i going to pay for that?
I’d almost given up,
but then i found some hippy-dippy ‘organic’ not-scientific crowd
“Coconut Oil Breakthrough For Crohn's Disease"
"Good fats can bring about positive changes in your gut bacteria, decreasing the symptoms of this debilitating, long-term condition. One caveat, though, is that the fat must be derived from plants"
whose link for “good” fats takes me to mercola, check it out....
heck.... “
One caveat, though, is that the fat must be derived from plants”, hell, must be plant derived!!!!
dalek noises in head.... “ca-ve-at, ca-ve-at, ca-ve-at...”
"Scientists used animal models (mice), which were given two different diets. One group was fed “good” fats, such as coconut oil and cocoa butter. The other group was given a “normal” diet.”
“good” fats, such as coconut oil and cocoa butter" - so, not your AHA, dietician approved vegetable seed oil 'good' fats, saturated heart disease 'bad' good fats?
-normal diet? sad mouse diet? healthy mouse diet?
“Mice fed beneficial fatty diets had up to [30] percent fewer kinds of gut bacteria as those fed a normal diet, collectively resulting in a very different gut microbial composition … Mice fed even low concentrations of coconut oil or cocoa butter also had less severe small intestine inflammation.”
same words, same lack of clarity
“Rodriguez-Palacios noted that all (human) patients need to do to glean similar effects in their bodies is to “replace a 'bad' fat with a 'good' fat, and eat normal amounts”
[exhausted tantrum] “but howwwwww?, it’s so difficult, please, tell me howwwwww.........”
(remember, 'good fats' like coconut oil and cocoa butter, not 'good fats like corn oil and rapeseed oil....-)
“interestingly, a portion at the opening of the intestine, called the cecum, is where Crohn’s disease typically causes the most inflammation, and that was an area positively impacted by coconut oil on the subjects in the study.”
what, coconut oil? not “plant-derived “good” fats inluding coconut oil”,
what the hell are “plant-derived “good” fats” then?
“Rodriguez-Palacios said he believes the findings could help doctors identify beneficial bacteria that could treat patients with ongoing inflammatory bowel disorders and said the next move will be to identify which components in said good and bad fats make the difference in gut microbes”
or as i misquoted earlier.....
““Ongoing studies are now helping us to identify the ‘good’ fat-loving microbes for testing as probiotics.”
and, farkinell, it takes a while to get to this......
"Besides the coconut oil and cocoa butter used in the study as good fats, scientists also used other delicious sources of good fats such as avocados, nuts (particularly macadamias, pecans and walnuts), salmon (and note that wild-caught Alaskan salmon is the healthiest variety) and extra-virgin olive oil.”
Read that list, are they shitting me?, that’s all real food, ZERO ‘plant-derived corporate waste product’ 'good' oil in that list.
I’ll have the “plant-derived” wild alaskan salmon, thanks......