CD Research Articles attached

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Mar 13, 2010
Hi all,

Like many of you here im a bit of a research buff/nerd.

I would like to start this thread with people attaching medical/researched information in regards to CD or the like which will help people become informed on their condition and to gain confidence in knowing what really is happening inside that body of ours. Im sure you would all agree that it is imperative for us to really have an understanding (even if its basic) on CD and how it affects our body and I think that people who have just been recently diagnosed would really appreciate the information.

I have a lot of research papers and controlled/uncontrolled tests to numerous treatments and alternatives. But I thought I would start this thread by posting up a paper which explains immune system responses in regards to CD.

This paper also discuss certain treatments and suppliments that have been shown to be effective/ineffectice for people with CD / UC.

If you are happy to keep this thread alive, I will continually post more information from proven sources only.

Im sure we will all differ in our ideas and interpretations, but it would be good for us to have medical foundations to draw back onto.

Also if anyone is looking for a paper on a particular topic, requests could be asked here ?

EDIT: Just noticed that there is a 39.1kb file upload limit on PDF files. Is there any way around this ? Or will I have to host the files externally ?

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Hey, wait a minute! I see bioresonance as one of your treatments. Are you using a frequency device for Crohn's treatment?

I use these quite regular, and would be very interested in how you are using yours. I do not use it so much for Crohn's, but use it as a primary Lyme Disease treatment for my wife.

3132757 said:
Hi all,

Like many of you here im a bit of a research buff/nerd.

I would like to start this thread with people attaching medical/researched information in regards to CD or the like which will help people become informed on their condition and to gain confidence in knowing what really is happening inside that body of ours. Im sure you would all agree that it is imperative for us to really have an understanding (even if its basic) on CD and how it affects our body and I think that people who have just been recently diagnosed would really appreciate the information.

I have a lot of research papers and controlled/uncontrolled tests to numerous treatments and alternatives. But I thought I would start this thread by posting up a paper which explains immune system responses in regards to CD.

This paper also discuss certain treatments and suppliments that have been shown to be effective/ineffectice for people with CD / UC.

If you are happy to keep this thread alive, I will continually post more information from proven sources only.

Im sure we will all differ in our ideas and interpretations, but it would be good for us to have medical foundations to draw back onto.

Also if anyone is looking for a paper on a particular topic, requests could be asked here ?

EDIT: Just noticed that there is a 39.1kb file upload limit on PDF files. Is there any way around this ? Or will I have to host the files externally ?


Please send information.
D Bergy,

Good to know someone else here has used/uses a frequency device for treatment. Yes, I do use it for my Crohns, but I dont do it personally, I go to a practioner.

I have found it to be really effective thus far. At first I thought it was a load of rubbish to be honest (im a very skeptical person and wont buy into anything unless there some form of evidence that it works). But I did quite a bit of reading and decided to give it a go. There are quite a few medical papers written on its efficacy, one specifically for Crohns (double blind test).

The first time I came across it was at my GP who has a basic frequency device. He did the points tests on my hands and feet and was interpreting the frequency results for me, to which he then said its looks like you have a problem with your small intestine towards the end (Ileum) and then reffered me to a specialist. He was right, i had a colonoscopy and got dx with CD.

Since then I found a practioner here who treats quite a few patients with Crohns, and so far it has been working really well for me for the last 5/6 months. But as you are aware, bioresonance diagnoses the whole body to which they have found many underlying allergies and therefore im also on a strict diet. But i have also been treated by a bogus practitioner who didnt know what they were you have to be discerning and really do a lot of research before diving in so that you can tell who is taking you for a ride or not.

If you got access to treatment, i think its worth a shot! Sorry to hear about your wife, how is she finding the treatment working ?

acg101: As i cant upload the PDFs here because of the size limit, i am going to host an external site and then link them back here. I will get this up and running a.s.a.p

She is as healthy as anyone now, but that was not always the case. Frequencies are about the only treatment method that can even begin to reach into the bone and deep tissue where the bacteria burrow into.

I was quite skeptical also, but I can't argue with going from disabling Arthritis to pain free doing nothing more than frequencies targeting the bacteria. I doubt a placebo effect would last for four years.

I have yet to cure it, but I am closer than I have been before. I am going to get a more powerful plasma device, very similar to the one Royal Rife used in the 1930's. The ones in use today, are very minimal for use with Lyme disease. Other pathogens are not so hard to kill off.

I am still not quite sold on the ability to detect a frequency from a pathogen and then treat it, but I have no experience with that. If it is working for you, that is what counts. I assume it is some kind of EAV device.

I hope you continue to improve.

I forgot to add that I also had an EAV test done, but no frequency treatment.

He found systematic H-Pylori infection, and I did have that infection in my Stomach that I resolved myself before.

He said I was not reacting well to a Tetanus shot, and that he detected Bovine Tuberculosis. He gave me a homeopathic remedy, but by that time I already had the disease under control, so I really could not determine if it helped at all.

Never really knew what to make of it all, but it was an interesting experience.

The only frequency related, possibly successful experiment I ever did was targeting the XMRV virus with frequencies calculated to damage the DNA of the virus.

The treatment made my intestinal tract sore in a general way. As I treated more, this gradually went away. The weird part was my intestinal function sped up from the treatment. It still is faster than it was before, although I can not detect any improvement in any other respect. But I am not ill at this time either. Not sure if it accomplished anything or not, but from experience I have learned that a reaction to the treatment usually means you hit something.

I was quite skeptical also, but I can't argue with going from disabling Arthritis to pain free doing nothing more than frequencies targeting the bacteria. I doubt a placebo effect would last for four years.

Thats was the pivot point for me also, even though I still am learning about the technology of frequency treatment and the reall details of its workings, the results I am having are undeniable.

I am still not quite sold on the ability to detect a frequency from a pathogen and then treat it, but I have no experience with that. If it is working for you, that is what counts. I assume it is some kind of EAV device.

This is the problem I have also. I have difficulty comprehending the filtration of surrounding frequencies to be able to locate and target one, but this is only a learning curve to know the answer. Its been trialled and proven, so its up to us to catch up on the 'know how'.

I forgot to add that I also had an EAV test done, but no frequency treatment.

He found systematic H-Pylori infection, and I did have that infection in my Stomach that I resolved myself before.

He said I was not reacting well to a Tetanus shot, and that he detected Bovine Tuberculosis. He gave me a homeopathic remedy, but by that time I already had the disease under control, so I really could not determine if it helped at all.

Im a more firm believer to be treated by the EAV itself alonside its diagnosis and not to substitute treatment by other herbs and remidies. But in some cases i have required to take some remidies for a short period of time to either 'boost' or 'compliment' the treatment recieved from EAV. But that comes done to the practitioner and their experience. Treatment by the EAV is more difficult than assigning remidies.

So your not ill at the moment ? Are you also self management ?

BC, no need to apologise for you scepticism mate! I was on the same page before until I did my research. Ill give you a quick basic breakdown on how it works:
The human body is made up of energy which are electromagnetic fields consisting of physical oscillations (Electro Magnetic Waves).
As physics attests to the face that the human body transmits different oscillations, every piece of matter releases a unique frequency, actually, every atom does.
Therefore, cells, tissues and organs all have their own individual oscillations which are interconnected and influence one another. Each person has their own oscillation image and by getting information from this image you can gain information about the health of a person or their illness. The human body both transmits and receives electromagnetic oscillation. So far this is all scientific. I remember studying this in Physics at Uni.
Bioresonance uses these oscillations and utilises the meridian energy systems of the body to treat a wide variety of human symptoms, viruses, parasites etc…
The treatment works with Bio-physics, the physics of the body, rather than biochemistry (conventional medicine).
The body is “stimulated” to alter its chemistry, rather than altering the chemistry directly with drugs. Within biophysics as I mention before, the body gives off electromagnetic waves or oscillations. These waves give an indication of the body’s health and can be used to influence the body directly. An unhealthy liver, for example, has a different electromagnetic output than a healthy liver. The waves from the unhealthy liver can be separated into healthy ones and unhealthy ones. The machine then sends back the healthy ones to the patient which boosts the energy, and inverts, or deactivates the unhealthy ones. This lets the self-healing mechanisms of the body take over, which allows the body to regulate it’s biochemistry. In the same way, the waves from substances are used to deactivate their influence on the body, which is used to turn off allergic reactions.
Theoretically, there is no argument that will stand against the concept, its based on physics. The concept that I and Dan have difficulty comprehending is designing a machine that is able to focus on a certain frequency while filtering out the others.
But, the treatment is working for me, I am completely symptom free from CD thus far, and it seems to be working for Dan’s wife…so even though we don’t know the exact machinations, we cannot argue with the concept, nor the results, only the execution. But I am still studying this form of treatment and will be able to exacting explain to you how the diagnosis tool works in detail.
Though I don’t put all my faith in this treatment, that’s why I get colonoscopies ever 6months and regular check ups, tests and continuously looking for new treatments.
Hope that helps BC :)
I had surgery to remove a stricture right after I was diagnosed. I really couldn't eat any more so I am glad I had it done.

The Gastro wanted me to go one Imuran, but since I did not know all of the options available, I treated myself with anti-inflammatory supplements until I could find more information on the disease and its treatments.

The supplements helped quite a bit, as I was still flared after the surgery, but they were not a permanent solution by themselves. They did buy me time.

I eventually decided to take LDN and had to travel 800 miles to a doctor that would prescribe it to me. Before I got my prescription I used Miracle Mineral Solution (Chlorine Dioxide) to kill acidic bacteria in my intestinal tract. This treatment did bring my flare to a halt. Since then, I take my LDN and occasionally will take some MMS if I think anything may be going on. I have not used it much since.

Frequency treatments have not been a great deal of help, as I either did not have a solid pathogen to target, or if I had a pathogen, I may not have a known frequency to treat it.

Now, there is more information of possible working frequencies, since someone calculates them on a mathematical formula based on the DNA sequence of the pathogen. I was not aware of that method until I was pretty much problem free.

I guess I self treat when I can, but removing a chunk of my small bowel was a little outside the scope of what I am willing to try.:)

I left that to someone with a more steady hand.

BC, tough questions! ;) In regards to the apple, i believe there is a point at which the treatment wont work as the disease or illness is too far advanced beyond the bodies ability to repair, that then requires strong meds and surgery. The apple...hmmm.....IF the apple has a healing mechanism built inside (Im not familiar with apples) which can be activated, then conceptually i guess that you could trigger the decaying to stop, BUT this would be futile without the apple working in accordance with the requirements, which in this case would be taking in sunlight and water. Treatment alone would not work. But i personally dont think the complex human body with all its immune and defence systems could be likened to an apple. But its food for thought thats for sure!

Just like CD, you can get all the bio treatment that you want, but if you dont follow the steps given to you in the diagnosis (eat well and stay away from certain foods) then there is no point in getting treatment.

LOL...reversing the ageing process ? I think the buck stops there unfortunately. But ill let you know how i go :)

My apologies BC, from your last post im gathering you are not a male (botox and aging process), so im sorry for calling you mate previously.

Dan, great to see you really looking at all the options before taking the meds. I am doing the same as well. LDN is what I am interested in as well. I did all the research on it, and just located a doctor that is willing to prescribe it. I dont need to go one it now, but if my self management goes bust then I will be going on the LDN, just wanted to get the prep work out of the way as its not easy to find a doctor that will prescribe it.

Im interested in MMS, ill have to add that to the list to look into.

No, couldnt save an apple, a decaying apple is starting the process of senescence and abscission, these are brought on by hormones within the plant and certain gasses like ethylene. Even apples gotta age.
Thanks Katie! As mentioned before I know nothing about apples, so it was pure speculation. I stand corrected :)

Regardless of what treatment used, it is always the immune system and the healing process of the body that gets a bulk of the work done.

You can treat a 100 year old person for the very same condition using the best methods and not get the same results as someone half their age. A functioning immune system, and healing ability is almost always the most important element to improving health wise.

I have never found a treatment or method of fighting a disease that does anything more than enhance the ability of the body to deal with disease. Even surgery just helps the body deal with a circumstance beyond its control.
If no healing or recuperative ability is present in the body, the patient will not survive.

Once the Apple no longer has its natural ability to fight off decay, nothing can replace that ability.

That is why focusing on the general health of the person will usually yield better long term results than dealing with just the problem at hand. Both problems need to be dealt with, but sometimes we tend to just treat the immediate problem, instead of helping our body's ability to heal to it highest potential. At least that is my current understanding, and I am always learning more.

Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!

I'm all physicsed out!
That was so interesting, thanks Fou, thanks Dan
and good luck!
I have never found a treatment or method of fighting a disease that does anything more than enhance the ability of the body to deal with disease. Even surgery just helps the body deal with a circumstance beyond its control.
If no healing or recuperative ability is present in the body, the patient will not survive.

Once the Apple no longer has its natural ability to fight off decay, nothing can replace that ability.

That is why focusing on the general health of the person will usually yield better long term results than dealing with just the problem at hand. Both problems need to be dealt with, but sometimes we tend to just treat the immediate problem, instead of helping our body's ability to heal to it highest potential. At least that is my current understanding, and I am always learning more.

Absolutely agreed. Well said.

That was so interesting, thanks Fou, thanks Dan



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