CD with chronic C-diff

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Feb 27, 2013
Yesterday I managed to get a Doctor from John Hopkins to see my son today, however, I could manage to get a referrel, my local GI doctor says he doesn't give referrels. He said to go to his Pediatric group, and they said no since they haven't seen him in 1 and half years.

The Doctor was nice enough to speak with me on the phone for over 30 minutes going through his records from his Pediatric GI we switched from. One more round of Anti-biotics, he says he's going to go all the way up the antibiotic food chain to clear it before he'll send him somewhere else.

Now that my son has moved 30 minutes away and resides in WV now, I can get him a local Primary Care physician and go anyways!

I was so optimistic because he's been having ocassional formed BMs recently. I think the probiotics and coconut oil really help too.

I have however, found some peace for the moment. When I pick up the new antibiotic, I' post the name so those of you who may know of it can give me some feedback. Kinsey
I could not get a referral for the apt. today at John Hopkins. Disapointed, yes, hopeful, yes. The pieces seemed to crumble yesterday with the news of on more antibiotic for the C-diff. But I have picked myself up and brushed off. Will spend the day instead with my son, taking him on errands. The John Hopkins people are great, they said as soon as I get the referral, (Brad hasn't seen the primary care physician, so they wouldn't give one over the phone or fax, and neither would the new GI specialist. On the phone yesterday he said that he didn't realize that Brad has had the C-diff from the first time he was hopitalized, which was the first day the Pediatric GI looked at him. they did all the scopes up and down, but, they first said and treated him for UC.
How long has it been since he had c-diff and what all has he tried to irradicate it? I know it is a nightmare to treat sometimes... It just may be a matter of time for the new docs to try a few things and see whether they work and get to know him. They may not be very familiar with the protocol for fecal transplant and are just buying themselves time to get informed. Sometimes I feel that we catch the docs offguard when we are too knowledgeable.
I believe it's actually been 2.5 years of the C-diff. Changing doctors, he may be more on top eventually. But since my son only sees the specialist, he couldn't get a referral from the primary and the new GI said, "not yet, the other doctor didn't try all the things I'm going to. We see him next Wednesday.

The thing I have the hardest time with is waiting on test result, referrals and treatments.
Well when he was first hopitalized and scoped etc. I thought that when they found the C-diff (all the doctors covered up from head to toe while visiting his room. The first said (for 2 months) and treated him for UC. Rather 6 weeks. So not much 1 or 2 attempt to radicate the c-diff.

I can't really blame the doctors, Bradley, until recently was a non-compliant patient, only taking the pills that didn't smell bad, eating the wrong stuff etc. I bad with the medicine, Entocort, MB3, bunch of others.
Great idea!!! I will look into that.

Thank you, sometimes I'm a bit slow because I have ADD. Kinsey

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