Changing body position causes anything???

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 24, 2015
Hello. I'm pretty new to this forum and wanted to ask Crohn's Disease experts about one of the weird symptoms I have.
On my not-so-good days, everytime I go from sitting to standing or standing to sitting, it seems like my lower abdominal region distends a little and growls.
I have inflammation in my terminal ileum and wanted to see if anyone has a similar experience?
Hi Hojinkorea.

Being a Crohn's Disease expert (patient), when I hear about distention in the abdominal region and growling, I am reminded of my symptoms prior to my surgery. I also had inflammation in my T.I. It could be a result of a partial obstruction. Are you having any pain?
No.. not much pain at all. I could feel the sensation of my small bowel enlarging but it doesn't really give me pain. My terminal ileum is inflamed and I have been having partial obstruction symptoms for the past three to four months. I have been taking prednisone and pentasa for the past month and a half but the symptoms haven't gotten away... :(
My GI doc is recommending Humira so we shall see if that gives any imporvement...
What Doug said. Perhaps it's the change in pressure on your abdomen from getting up or sitting down, or the motion itself. Mine wasn't painful whilst it was swelling up and gurgling like a Victorian drainage system.
Mine does same thing.. a little discomfort with almost no pain and gurgling noise.
It seems like a lot of people ended up having surgery when they have symptoms like this. I hope humira can do the trick but we shall see.. :(
Yep. Going from sitting to standing tends to trigger or make worse my need to go to the washroom. Not sure why exactly, just the movement I'm guessing.

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