Chewing Gum May Expedite Recovery Following Colectomy

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Bourbon Bandito
Jul 8, 2010
I was looking for something else surgery related and came across this.

I thought about posting in the media type forum, but figured that people who are facing surgery or have recently had it would probably come to this section first.
Hiya Von

We've talked about this before on here!
I chewed gum after my laparoscopy and surgery and it helps to disperse the carbon gas that they pump into you for the procedure.
It helps you to fart and burp!
In fact I'm a chewy addict, I chew it all day long!
The article is more talking about how it tricks your body into thinking that it's eating, and that kick starts your bowels into working.
Interesting - I'll have to keep it in mind for the hopefully never to occur next time. Anyword if chewing ice chips helps (must admit, didn't read the article)?
Hmm this is interesting. Ever since my surgery, I've been OBSESSED with chewing ice. I do it all the time. It's a kind of comfort to me. I wonder if that's related? Has anyone else experienced this?
I know that I got into it because it was all I was allowed to eat or drink for a long time. Then some young doctor had the nerve to suggest it was pica - a psychological problem. Right, let's put him in a bed for two weeks and see how you react when it's all that you are allowed by mouth!
I'm a chronic ice chewer's said that chewing ice is a sign of anemia too.
Following Matt's surgery the surgeon wanted him to chew gum or suck on barley sugar for that very reason...get the bowel working. All the patients on the colorectal ward were told that, assuming it was appropriate! :lol:

Dusty. :)
How ironic, I was put on the standard "don't eat or drink for this many days" diet afterward and I was sneaking gum! They didn't tell me to chew it or not chew it so I took it upon myself to chew it and spit it out when the nurse approached my room hehe.
You know what, come to think of it I had none of that horrible gas in your body pain that you usually experience post abdominal surgery. None at all!
When I had my hysterectomy I had it bad and I wasn't sneaking gum!
Awe, I guess I'm not such a bada$$ as I thought lol!
I know that I got into it because it was all I was allowed to eat or drink for a long time. Then some young doctor had the nerve to suggest it was pica - a psychological problem. Right, let's put him in a bed for two weeks and see how you react when it's all that you are allowed by mouth!

Not to derail the thread, but it's my understanding that Pica is not a psychological problem but a real medical disorder - an iron deficiency that can lead to chewing ice or eating non-food items like dirt or chalk. It's not uncommon in pregnant women, or people with absorbtion issues.
I'm not a dirt eater...the only experience I have with that is when I made a boy eat a whole bowl of it when I was six years old
The article is more talking about how it tricks your body into thinking that it's eating, and that kick starts your bowels into working.

Makes perfect sense! And we can also amuse ourselves by blowing bubbles!

I did the gum chewing thing after all 3 of my surgeries. I did very well after my first 2 surgeries, but I'm not sure it helped after my 3rd. but I think those problems were from the pain killers.

Anyway, what I can say is that the gum provided a huge mental boost. Getting that yummy flavor made a big difference when I could not eat. I also did this without doctors permission. I did not want them to say no - so I did not ask :)

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