Chinese herbal Medicine

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 14, 2011
dorset, uk
As nothing has worked so far to ease my 14 year old son's suffering i have turned to alternitive therapy.
I have made an appointment for my son to see a chinese herbalist next month, his speciality is auto immune & bowels so he seems the one to see.
Has anyone tried this?
Am i getting my hopes up?
Is it throwing money away?

I'm so desperate to stop his suffering i would give anything..

He is a reptuable dr & has clinic in London.
He visits South west UK once a week, so only an hours drive.
If you need to google him Ken Lloyd

Would reaaly appreciate some feedback & any views
Hey Clare,

I don't know if you are throwing your money away or not but I think if you go in with your eyes, ears and mind open and alert then it is worth looking into. Stick to the old adage if it looks too good to be true and sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I probably wouldn't be prepared to part with too much money either.

I have never personally been down this path with my children but I know Sarah has a couple of friends that practise Chinese medicine and they have advised her on different herbs and teas for the deficits she has been left with following surgery. She has been in remission since her surgery 5 years ago and the introduction of teas and the like have done her no harm.

Dusty. xxx
Hi Dusty
Firstly thank you for your advice, as i have just read you have so much on your plate with your family.
You must be an amazing person to have so much going on & still help others.

Hope the money line didn't sound as it reads!! Although we don't have lots to throw away, we would never regret any money spent on our son..

I will listen & try to be as open minded as possible, i'm slightly worried he will advise to stop western meds... but i doubt he will.. Will be very hard to see what is helping my son as he has 3rd Infliximab on Monday so by the time i see Chinese Herbal dr the Infliximab may start working..

Best Wishes to you & yours

Clare x

I just want all the knowledge about Crohn's so if he can give me that then that's great.
Hope the money line didn't sound as it reads!! Although we don't have lots to throw away, we would never regret any money spent on our son..

:lol:...No, I would just hate to think that you could be taken advantage of.

Dusty. xxx
Two years ago, if you asked me what I thought of TCM, I would have dismissed it as useless. Today I have a completely different opinion.

Keep in mind, not all Chinese medicine are teas made of raw herbs. There are Chinese "patent" medicine which are herb extracts in capsule form.
I think with chinese remedies they are made by trial and error over centuries with no proper testing unlike western medicine. That doesnt mean that they arent any good, just not really documented whether they actually work or its just old wives tales

I'd say give it a go but monitor your sons health carefully and dont try any other new medicine whilst hes on the chinese stuff, that way you should be able to see if it has any effect. Also I would definately continue on any hospital meds whilst on these, even if he seems to get much better