Chloe's current LDN success story

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Oct 14, 2011
Hi Everybody, I want to start by thanking everyone on here. I know it's been said but I am truly so grateful to have such a wealth of information literally at my fingertips. I haven't posted our story yet partly because I've been so busy soaking up all the information and I didn't feel like I had anything to add. Now with all the interest in LDN being generated I feel like maybe it's time to say how we are doing.

My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohn's disease this past September. It was sudden and shocking to us as no one in our family has it and we knew nothing of it. She was admitted to the hospital with a terminal ileum that was nearly perforated, (they told us it was leaking). She was anemic (hemoglobin at 7.3), had an active infection (crp at 11) and a sed rate of 33. Her colonoscopy and IBD 7 serology all came back positive for crohns. They treated her with bowl rest, antibiotics and prednisone. I passed the 14 days beside her hospital bed reading your posts trying to decide what we would do.

I have always treated my kids with natural remedies. When they got sick I called the health food store instead of the doctor. We have always done very well with this approach. This time though we needed more help. I found posts on here from Samilou, Kev, Shannon and others that helped us decide that we would try LDN first along with natural supplements and remedies. We did do a full course of prednisone because the docs said it would really take down the inflammation and let Chloe eat again. After 13 days of ptn she was very anxious to do that!

On our follow up visit 3 weeks after being released from the hospital the GI was ready to talk about meds. He wanted Chloe to start 6mp right away. I brought him the reports on LDN and he said he would think about it. Very reluctantly and to my surprise he let us have it. He had never given it to anyone before and if they don't specifically beg like I did I doubt he will again. We began LDN once Chloe had taperd down to 10 mgs of pred. We are fortunate enough to have a reputable compounding pharmacy in our city that acutally has experience making LDN.

It's been almost 3 months. Chloe has gone from having several episodes of diahrrea a day to having 1-2 NORMAL bowel movements. She has gained 9 pounds and is back up to her pre-sick weight. She eats pretty much whatever she wants. Blood work from last visit showed a hemoglobin of 10.6 and a crp of 1.1. Things aren't perfect but they are improving.

We have paid close attention to other things on this forum as well. Chloe takes b vitamins and just to be sure gets b-12 shots. We got her levels tested and they were actually high (1743). We also began vitamin d3 and had the levels tested (33.4 This needs to improve a little, thank you David, I've been listening) She takes fish oil, Garden of Life soil organism probiotics, colostrum, digestive enzymes, curcumin, boswellia, aloe, 30 mgs of zinc picolinate and 1000 mgs of garlic. I know it sounds like a lot but we just divide it up with meals and she gulps it all right down.

The disease however does not allow her to forget she has it. She does have occassional pain especially around her period. Sometimes she loses her apetite so she will drink Ensure instead of eating. We've discovered that sleep is very important and if she gets to bed late we can almost be sure that her belly will hurt the next day. Her iron levels are still too low so we will be working on that soon as I figure out the very best supplement for it. The longer we are on LDN, or all the other things, the less these symptoms are though.

I know not everyone will have success with LDN. This disease seems nearly as individual as a finger print. Perhaps it has worked quickly for us because it's the first thing we did or because we got a quick diagnosis and didn't have to suffer wondering what we had while damage was being done. I'm sure the nutritional supplementation is helping also.

It's impossible to say what tomorro will bring but right now today we are doing well and I believe I have this forum to thank for that. Best wishes for health to all of you.
Thank you so much for posting! It is so wonderful to read of Chloe's success and i hope it lasts a lifetime. :)

Chloe is one very lucky young lady to have a Mum and advocate like you, well done! :rosette2:

Dusty. xxx
LC- Great news. I love Boswellia. I use Angstrom liquid iron. I taste horrible but it works for me. It is an ionized iron 'water'. It is extremely absorbable. It has really helped me.
Good luck and good health!
Love to hear stories like this. What a wonderful mother to have. I am currently doing well with LDN. I really think its working for me. Just trying to have patience. Its only been 3 weeks and ive had some dramatic improvements so far. I also have a lot of prayer from friends.
I'm so glad you are doing well Cbail, I really hope it continues for you. LDN is still working for Chloe and we are very grateful to have found it. Try to be patient and give it a chance, very best to you!
Thanks for posting her story! The more success stories we have the more I think we can help others and maybe they can use it to help convince their doctors to let them try LDN. I happened to meet an adult GI at the playground yesterday and was talking to him. He had never heard of LDN and after we talked he said he would look into it.
Can u start LDN while on a low dose of Prednisone ( 5 mg)?
Does it matter what time of the day u take the LDN?
Fantastic to hear another success story. I'm guessing the combo of pred and LDN when starting gave something of a head start (or a kick start). In any event, the difference LDN can make over a 3 month period really has to be seen (or at least felt) to be believed. The caution about iron supplements is right on... my red count was way down, and I went with the most potent I could find... it was hellish. I endured it, but I wouldn't recommend it. A mild, easy to digest/absorb/tolerate course (even if it is slower to work) may be the better option. LDN does not roll back the hands of time, so any damage from the disease will still be there. And it doesn't eradicate Crohns either. It is more akin to confining it to a cell. Crohns still lurks about in the background, and it is wise to remember that, and behave accordingly. Forgetting she has it, or pretending to, WILL cause her grief. But it is great to think another youngster has had success with LDN. Considering the early onset, and looking forward ... taking other medications with their implications... in the long haul, LDN looks angelic by anyones comparison.
LittleChoes mom,
i had to read your post over and over as it sounded like my daughters story exactly. i re-read it several times thinking did i write this.
How is your daughter now?
My 15 yr old daughter has been on LDN 4.5 mg since Jan 2012 when she was tapering down from pred also, she was at 5mg of preg when started the ldn.
This past week she was hospitalized due to a flare and is back on pred. my question is, do you have any experience with chloe being on high dose of pred while still on LDN? Leah is currently on 40 mg pred tapering down 5mg per week. i dont know if she should continue her ldn or not, she was so much better with it i hate to take her off of it.
Kevin, maybe you can answer that since you've been on ldn so long.
I havent given up on ldn but i dont want her to take both if they will counteract with each other.
i dont think Leah wouldve went into a flare but her dad passed away suddenly this past June and i dont think any drug couldve prevented a flare for what she is dealing with.
Her GI does not prescribe her ldn but he knows she takes it, she is also on Apriso.
Thanks to all of you for your support.
Hi leahsmom, first of all I'm sorry to hear of your daughters loss of her father. You can't separate mind from body so it's no surprise she would have this reaction. Chloe is still doing fantastic. That being said we have had to treat one legitimate crohns flare with prednisone. I say legitimate flare because she has flared two other times but it was due to c diff. I believe it was 40 mgs and it didn't take long at all to work. Personally I would advise you to stay with ldn through the pred taper. That's what we did and I feel like it helped her to recover. While it may be true that ldn isn't AS effective when combined with immunosupressants, overall it's still doing something. According to my research and our experience, it's not going to hurt or counteract the prednisone. Perhaps the doc who gave you the ldn could shed some light though. Our GI lets Chloe have it but he doesn't know (or doesnt act like he knows) anything about ldn so we ve had to educate ourselves. Out of curiosity, what supplements does your daughter take? I hope she's better real soon!
I've heard, anecdoatally, (don't hold me to this) that LDN can be combined with 10mg or less of pred. Personally, I don't know if so low a dose of pred would do any good, but that is just a haphazard guess. If you've tried it at higher doses with success, then your first hand experience probably carries more weight than my anecdotal haphazard guesswork.
Hi Chloe's mom, i have gotten the approval from the doctor that gave Leah the LDN which is a family practictioner and he said to continue the LDN as well as the pharmicist so we are going to continue LDN thru the prednisone. I am so thankful. While she was in the hospital she had a mre done and the doctor said everything looked great, no blockage just a little flare in her small intestine and rectum. I truly believe the LDN is keeping Leah from more damage. She also takes vit D drops total of 6,000 per day, a mutli vitamin which includes vit d as well, taurine, and iron. Her GI gave her a prescription for prenatal vitamins this past week so we'll try those for awhile as the multi vit she has to take two huge pills and the prenatal has vit d and folic acid and the prenatals are free! What supplements has chloe been successful with? Oh, also bragging on the LDN, since taking the LDN she doesnt flare during her periods! huge benefit for girls.
Chloe takes fish oil, curcumin, digestive enzymes, fermented probiotics, colostrum, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium, vit d plus a small amount of colloidal silver and pure aloe Vera juice. When she gets bloodwork in November we will check the vitamin/ mineral levels and hopefully be able to stop some of them.
It always makes me so glad to hear about success stories from LDN!

Kev, (and this may sound like a dumb question) but for you being on it so long, do your colonoscopies actually show improvement throughout time or does it just show that the crophns isn't progressing and the amount of inflammation or anything else you might have had at the beginning is still there and just not getting worse?

I'm trying to gather as much info as I can for when I get to see my doctor about it and try to convince him to let me try it
Well, my scopes show only old scar tissue. Everything else has all the appearances of being healthy tissue. The only sign of the disease they can find is microscopic, from the specimens they've biopsied. In fact, if it weren't for the cancer issue (pre-cancerous growths found at the November of 2011) I wouldn't be having scopes done on such a short interval basis. It isn't Crohns that I'm dealing with now so much as the potential for cancer to arise; very likely (but not conclusively) from the other meds I took to fight off Crohns. I mean, they wouldn't have gone looking for it (cancerous growths) if it weren't for the issue I had with a previous med... but now that they've found it, they can't categorically state it was due to the med. Now, if that isn't medical double speak at its finest, I don't know what is. But, I digress. My Crohns is to the point that, if it were not for the cancer; I would probably only undergo a scope every 2 to 5 years... depending on symptoms (or lack thereof). Now, have I made that as clear as mud???
Totally makes sense. I remember there was a study you told me to print off and bring to the doctor as well so I'm really hoping between all the info I'm gathering that they'll give me the prescription.

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