Chronic anti-diarrhea meds?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 10, 2015
Had a terminal ilieum resection 45 years ago which causes chronic diarrhea (also may be caused by my non-painful mild Crohn's?). Took cholestryamine powder (Questran) for 30 years everyday, then paregoric, then diphen/atropine. All three now cause side effects when I take them daily and they don't work adequately if I reduce dosages. All three were wonderful in that they would stop the cramping diarrhea almost immediately.

Any recommendations of anti-diarrhea meds or other relatively benign meds that cause constipation (like Questran). (BTW, sometimes homemade kefir seems to slow me down for days, but I can't rely on it unfortunately.) I will be trying immodium tomorrow but it didn't work when I tried it years ago. Much thanks in advance!!

I also had the same surgery a while back. I don't regularly take anything, but will use cholestyramine if on a long car trip or something of that nature.

I have been tossing around the idea of trying psyllium as a cholestyramine substitute. I was wondering if you have ever tried it?

I am curious as to what side effects you have experienced.

When I was flared, Immodium did nothing for me. Cholysteramine didn't do much either when flared.

Yes, tried psyllium. May try again. Cholestyramine: malaise, stomach upset; paregoric: depression, dizziness; diphen/atropine: extreme fatigue.

Thanks, Dan, for your comments.
Hi i had resection at the ileum too. Im on cholestyrmine too for bile salt malabsorbtion also take loperimide . One of each a day usualy works but up it to 2 if need be . Hope you find something that works . Best wishes đź’•
Both of my children use psyllium with very good effect. Takes a bit of trial and error to hit on the right amount but well worth it. Chia seeds also work in the same way psyllium.

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