Cimzia expenses and surgery - an update

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 28, 2011
Well I guess that it's been awhile since I've posted on here and this is new since my last visits to the site. Interesting little add on to the site, and a thank you is in order for the admins of the community. Thank You

Um, well since this is a new thred I think a little bit of an update is in order. Probably going to turn into more of a vent session due to the last month being one of the worst since getting Crohn's/Colitis over a year ago, and not that I'm being negative but I am happy for everyone who has been able to enjoy at least some form of remission. In my case this last year has been a test in pain, patience, perseverance, you name it, and basically not having but a handfull of good days that don't even come close to remission. Anyway, some members may have wondered what happened to my posts in the Cimzia section and well as of this month I have not been able to afford it even with the Cimpay card from the pharmeceutical company. So what seemed like a good thing came to an end. I have mixed reviews of that drug and while I did notice a slight improvement on it; nothing that I could justify spending the amount of money I would of been charged to continue on it.

As I said earlier that last couple of days, if not the month, have been pretty bad. It seems I've started to develop a constant nagging headache that my primary has diagnosed as medication related and in turn prescribed two medications for it that do help but have to add to the daily drug regimine. On top of that I developed another perianal abcsess that has been bothering me to no end. My gastro doc decided to do a round of antibiotics to see if that would help it and it did untill the prescription was finished. Shortly after that it became angrier than ever and decided to make up for lost time if you catch my drift. Well in a last minute appointment my gastro looks at it and sets me up with a surgeon consult the next day who promptly books me an appointment for surgery the same afternoon. Now on a side note this surgeon is an amazing doc. Not ever have I encountered a doc with more compassion or a better bed side manner than this guy. Cheers to you man!!!

Not only does the surgeon set me up with surgery the same day he agrees to take care of a skin tag that been bothering me for the better part of six months while he's down there doing his thing. All I can say is that most would be like youre going to have to get that taken care of in seperate procedures and not think twice about it. So now I'm recuperating or rather slowly getting around the house due to being cut on and while gratefull that the abcsess and tag are taken care of not really looking forward to tomarrow when I eventually got to take a poo. Pretty sure going to be using the tub quite a bit tomarrow for some strange reason. Oh well, thats what good pain meds are for, and will have to say that the nasty acne I was dealing with from either the prednisone or the 5-ASA meds is starting to go away with the use of the prescribed antibiotics; so I guess that is a plus. So yeah, its been a little bit of a rougher than normal patch thats also made me have to cancel my college classes for the time being and push me back longer.

I did manage to get my second Associate's degree but with whats going on right now with the economy and hireing I'm sure thats nothing really interesting to any employers not to mention the complete inability to work because of constant bathroom visits and headaches. Any way this may sound like a self pitty party or woe as me speech but its not; just really needed to vent and de-stress myself from all thats been going on and if anybody pays attention thanks for understanding.
Wow, it sounds like you've been on a roller coaster!

Out of curiosity, how much of a discount did you get with the Cimpay card and how much was the Cimzia after that?

I am SO GLAD you found such an amazing surgeon! If you're game, add him to our doctor directory so others can be so lucky (see my sig) but understandable if not. I pray your recovery is fast and continues to be positive.

Well the first month of shots has six injections in it. I guess if you will the starter pak and I'm not sure the exact cost but the pharmacy wanted me to pay around 2k for it. When I got the Cimpay card from the pharmaceutical it made that first month free of charge. Now the next month I only had to take 2 shots from then on out unless the dr felt like I needed 2 shots every 2 weeks, but the cash price for the next months was 1 to 1.2k without the card. Again the card took that down to a zero copay untill this last month. It was my understanding that I would of been able to basically have a year long prescription to cimzia free of charge but somewhere in there I must of heard something wrong because with the card now my co-pays are around $450 to 500 and I just cant afford that.

I dont know if the doc wants me to put him up on a forum but I'll gladly tell anybody who he is in a pm.

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