Claustrophobia and Pelvic MRI

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Apr 18, 2011
Have one scheduled in a couple of weeks, I guess it's something to do with my Fistula(s). I'm very claustrophobic, to the point I won't get into even an elevator unless its one of those glass ones in a shopping centre/mall.

Just how bad is it?
Can you check if there is an open MRI available for you to go to?

They look something like this -

So being in an enclosed space shouldn't be a problem.....if not, don't be afraid to ask for something to help you relax!!!
Thanks guys, so, Rygon, will my head be sticking out of the machine? I'll go feet first? If so that's no problem. I'll ring my nurse in the morning and ask her about an open MRI.
if its just your pelvic area getting scanned, then there is no reason why your head would go into the machine

my best advice would be just to keep your eyes closed, the person doing it will talk to you through headphones from another room so theres nothing/nobody to look at

hope it goes well for you!
When i had my stomach MRI'd I was laying on my belly and my head didnt go into the machine at all (feet 1st). Yeh you have headphones with them talking to you and you have a button which you can press at any time if you want to speak to them or get out
I am claustrophobic as well and found Klonopin before the exam was really helpful. Can you take an anti anxiety pill? If you are still very concerned, see if they can sedate you during the exam.

There are also imagery and breathing techniques you can incorporate to relax.

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