Colonoscopy Pfft...

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Apr 26, 2012
So in about 2 weeks I have to have another Colonoscopy to explore the large bowel to see how much of me is affected by the live Crohns
(this has all come from the Gastro and has gone straight over my head btw)
But, I said if I had to have one again I wanted to be knocked out, dead to the world so that I was completely asleep, which I was told I could do if I wanted. As last time I was just sedated through a cannula in my wrist, and I felt every movement and it was purely awful.
I received a lovely package from the hospital with a home enema kit and loads of info and stuff, and according to the info book I can only have sedation and pain killers, OR Entinox and doesn't mention anything at all about being knocked out, cos it's only considered a day surgery.
What would anyone recommend? I still want to be knocked out, but if that's not possible what would you go for?
Dreading this so much.
How long is it since your last colonoscopy?
There are things they can do to keep you more comfortable and I would pressure the GI who is doing the scope.
This has happened to me,the first one was very painful and my BP dropped drastically.
The second time . initially I refused another colonoscopy, and the GI went out of his way to ensure it was more comfortable, and it was. Most of the time I was not aware
of the exam.No pain though---they can do it if they try.
The NHS is too keen to save money at the expense of the patients.
I am not in the UK but the GI was from there.
Hugs and best wishes
hi, i have had my share of colonoscopies and have always been knocked out, the last thing i see is the drug being injected, next thing i wake up in the recovery room. worst thing is always the prep. its always day surgery and i need someone to drive me home. i would insist as soon as you arrive that they knock you out for the procedure. i have found that if you take charge, they will do want you want. good luck.
Unfortunately, being completely knocked out is not an option for the majority of UK patients. However, as the last time you had a bad experience you could ring your gastro or their secretary. Remind them that the last time you spoke he said you could be knocked out, and hopefully he will make the necessary arrangements. Hopefully they just sent out the standard book and have already made arrangements for knocking you out, but best to check direct with your gastro. I feel for you because the sedation didn't work for me either, I remember every last movement!

Trev- sorry but your advice just doesn't apply to UK residents, it doesn't matter how much you 'take charge' they won't have the staff or equipment ready to knock you out, and an attitude like that will get you sent home and the scope will need rebooking!
Yes it is a tricky one. I had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago - the sedation only seemed to work on the train home! I too felt every twist and turn - however I had struck up a good relationship with the Doctor and we made gallows humour out of it. The serious point was whenever there was a problem he could ask me to shift my position and this was clearly a big help and I could tell him if it became painful (rather than uncomfortable) - none of this could have happened if I had been completely out - if you do not know it is painful damage could be taking place perhaps!

Wish you the best of luck - keep talking during the scope is my advice.
Hi Holly, I'm pretty sure they wont knock you out because they need some input from you whilst the procedure is being done. I think the best thing for you to do is, just before they do the scope and they ask if you have any questions? Tell them how you feel about it and that you are very nervous! And they should keep you pretty sleepy.
I had a colonoscopy 10 days ago, and although I felt it at the time! When I try and think back the whole thing is very hazy, and as much as I'm shitting myself about my next one in 2 months (pardon the punn) I know it will all be hard to remember.

I wish you all the luck! And believe me we all understand how you feel about it, just remember to tell them to KEEP YOU COMFY!! And they can give you extra sedation if you need it!

Good luck xx
Has anyone tried the Entinox and is that better than sedation if being knocked out isn't an option? xx
Entinox is just gas that makes you feel as if you have been drinking, and you have to keep breathing it so it works! it doesnt help when you have tummy pains so I don't think it will be better than sedation.
I have had several colonoscopies. I am appalled that the UK docs want the patient to be able to talk and to move. That is not right.I don't remember any of them.
I was sedated for my last one and only remember odd bits. They asked me to turn over. And I remember them putting something else into my IV, think it was pain killers. I also remember watching the screen at one point but I don't remember any pain. Maybe see if you can talk to your GI about having different types of sedation or pain meds?
Trev- sorry but your advice just doesn't apply to UK residents, it doesn't matter how much you 'take charge' they won't have the staff or equipment ready to knock you out, and an attitude like that will get you sent home and the scope will need rebooking!
Rebbeca85 i think i have mislead you by saying knocked out, maybe i should have said heavily sedated, no special equipment necessary, and yes they need some input from you whilst the procedure is being done. but with enough sedation you wont feel anything or remember the procedure.
Hi Holly!

I had entenox for most of mine, and I laughed through most of it. I found the entenox great - I was worried it wouldn't help as it had done nothing to help when I was in labour, but it was fab. Eventually the scope reached a place that was really twisty and the pain at that point was pretty severe, and so, by prior arrangement, I was then given some IV midazolam and next thing I knew it was all over.

Robert747 is right - there are important clinical reasons for keeping sedation as light as possible, the ones he mentioned, and also that you recover quicker afterwards.

Just make sure you discuss your concerns properly with the practitioner, and don't sign the consent form until you are happy that they, and you, have understood the arrangements in place.

Good luck!
Why do they not knock people out in the UK? I just had one done and was knocked out and it was simple. The anisteshia was also kinda cool, I remember talking to them and then being all tingly then wakeing up in the waiting area
I have had three colonoscopies,

first was in 91 second in 94 and last one in april which they were unable to do due to the stricture, but they always put me to sleep..

It is normal here to put the patient to sleep, I can't believe they don't do that in other countries..
Hi Guys,
Bit of an update, I had it last Thursday, I had sedation and 3 types of painkiller to help. However, it didn't help. I felt every movement.
I screamed the place down. The sedation worked as I couldn't string a decent sentence together it was all baby talk. But the pain, my god.
They did find lots of severe ulceration and disease in a big area and they took biopsies which could explain the pain, but hey.
It did take 3 nurses, 1 doctor, and 4 holes in my hands to find a decent vien to put the canular in, which 'wasn't working properly'
It was a diasaster! Anyone else had anything like this???
Hi there Holly.I'm really sorry you have had such a bad experience with colonoscopys.I have one every 2 years, no enema involved, just drink 3 litres of a gastrolite solution at home day before.I'm given an hypnotic sedative drug intravenously then suddenly I'm in the recovery room and it's all over.I think it depends on the 'Operator' and sedative used.I used to have it done by another doctor and would have discomfort when the scope looped/knotted.My gastro is a lovely gentle man who has actually had a colonoscopy himself.perhaps your gastro needs a scope too but preferably a steel one with barbs on.
Cheers Karen
Oh wow - that sounds barbaric! You're not sedated??
I was so unwell for my last colonoscopy it was done in the hospital - prep and all.
I was sedated, which did work.. Because it made me talk like I was drunk, they were asking me questions and just a slur was coming out in response so I could tell I was sedated, but I didn't sleep at all or anything. I had two female nurses with me throughout the procedure who were helping me through it, as I was crying out in pain they were very lovely.
I was also experiencing a flare which started on the Sunday, and my Colonoscopy was on the following Thursday, I had to drink 2 litres of Moviprep. But because I was in flare I was hardly eating or drinking and then to be forced to drink all that liquid in one go made me feel awful aswell.

The last one I had was only a Sigmoidoscopy which was prep and all done in hospital because I was already admitted.
I hate colonoscopies. But who would like them ey?
Holly, I am so sorry to hear about this. I just can't believe they don't put you folks under enough that you can't feel pain from the procedure.
Wellllll, It's done now.
All I keep thinking is it's not the worst thing in the world to have done is it?
It may not be pleasant but there are people going through worse things in hospital than a Colonoscopy.
Just hope I don't have to have another one soon! :)
Hi Holly, my veins or shocking! It takes several people to get a needle in me, so you're not on you're own, my colonoscopy was cancelled twice due to not being able to canulate me, and then he wanted to do the procedure with nothing! HE HAS NO CHANCE!!

Well done on getting through it

Nick x
At one point I did think they were going to give up and send me home.
Strange that they can't find veins when you have trillions.
They always seem to struggle with me.
I was sedated enough for my colonoscopy that i was asleep. the last thing i remember was seeing the dr leaning against the table across from me with his arms crossed waiting fo rme to fall asleep.

This new dr i ahe been seeing they only lightly sedate and i refuse to have them do that. I want to be alseep. I want to have a little nap then they can stick whatever they want up there and look at whatever they want. As long as i know nothing of it!!!!

I feel for you......i would be on the war path after that and freaking out!!! I handle pain really well when it comes from in side me. But any pain that is inflicted on me, i am a HUGE wuss .

I need another scope myself soon and plan on fighting to be put out.
It seems that in the UK they just don't put you to sleep.
It's.... in, procedure, recovery for 20/30 minutes if that, out.
They don't want you to be asleep cause you're hogging a bed unnecessarily.
The pain was awful though and with the problems with the cannula I don't think the pain relief had long enough to get into my system.
The only thing I can say is that the nurses who stayed with me during the procedure were wonderful. I don't think I could gave coped without them there.
just for the record when i was asleep after mine i dont think i was in recovery for more then 20 min.....basically they wake you up, make sure you dont have any effects of it all, the surgeon spent 5 min talking to me then sent me on my way. They dont keep you at all anymore here.

When i had my gallbladder it was the same......wake you up make sure all is good, get a drink of juice and bye bye.

I must say for anything i have had done the nurses have always been amazing!

I am glad you have a such a great attitude about it all.....i am at a point where i am so frustrated by everything that is going on that my attitude sucks.
I don't seem to have a very serious case of Crohns at the moment and so I don't feel like I should complain, because I know that there are people on this forum who are having a much harder time than I am, so I just get on with things as best I can and count myself lucky I only have the mild case that I have.
I'd still rather not have colonoscopies though ;)
LOL i would rather not have them either!!! I dont know anyone who enjoys them!!! lol

I think i must have a mild case as well but until i get officially dianogsised i cant really say. And i think we all have a right to complain at some point. I figure it doesnt matter what is wrong with any one in this world someone always has it worse......But what is really bad for me may not be really bad for i say complain about the stuff you hate and praise the stuff you dont. I think its bad to keep it all in side!!!

I still give you credit....i'd be still swearing at someone!!! Lets hope there are no more colonoscopies in the near future for you!!! :)
Holly that canula might not have been in properly? I've had them in before and what ever they put through it just went straight in to my hand or arm and I didn't get any effect from it? And especially with a small amount of drug going in it wouldn't swell your hand up and potentially go unnoticed.

I have another colonoscopy soon, which will be about my fifth one this year! And I'm still frightened to death! And to top it off with all these colonoscopies I will end up with an arse like a clowns pocket!!


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