Colonoscopy Prep day today!

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
Well today it the day I start my colon cleanse. Ughh, I am not in a good way. I have been eating liquids since all day yesterday actually. I figured I would have less to come out. Well now my bladder is already irritated( I have Interstitial cystitis). I think it may be from the jello I am eating, but not sure. I am not going to eat anymore jello at all. I am just going to drink water from here on out. That and maybe some chicken broth.

I am doing the suprep prep. It says to do it a 5 pm and again at like 1 am 6 hours before my procedure. I talked to a lady I know who also has IC bladder and she also works in a GI lab. She said to start it way earlier that what they say. She said the only reason they have people start it so late is that in some studies it showed it cleaned the bowel better, but she said it does not matter. She said you need more time to empty out than just those hours. Especially with me being a person with IC, she said I have to drink that last part and all the water early so my bladder empties before I leave the house too as all that water is going to make me have to pee a lot. I also talked to my Mother in law and she said the same thing. She said her friend had used the suprep too and she followed the instructions and drank it at like 6 hours before her procedure and she pooped herself in the car on the way to the hospital and at the hospital! No, that is NOT an option for me with the whole bladder infection issues. I am starting my first round at 2 pm. and then see how it goes. Then if I am still pooping and not clear, I am taking the other dose at like 8 pm. That way I have all night to clear out. I am just praying that my bladder does not get any worse than it is and that all the diarrhea does not cause a nasty UTI again!

Well, wish me luck everyone! I am praying to make it through this test with not too many afteraffects and hopefully get some answers.
Good luck, Ihurt. Do you think it's the sugar in the jell-o that is irritating your bladder? Sugar seems to bother my bladder too (I don't have IC but I am prone to recurrent UTIs). Chicken broth is an excellent idea - if you have a crock pot, you can make your own homemade chicken broth. I did that the last time I had to do prep, it was lovely and made the whole house smell nice too. :) Anyway, I'm rambling on again. Good luck tonight & tomorrow! Keep us posted and I hope this is all worth it and that you can get a proper diagnosis!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and support.

Cat-a tonic: Ughh, yes, my bladder is killing me already and I did not even start the prep yet! I a thinking it is more the citric acid in the jello, but not sure. Damn I should have made my own broth, too late now though. I did buy some organic chicken broth and some other kind. I am trying to stick to just water basically. I bought some pedialyte and clear Gatorade but not sure if I want to even try that stuff as it all has lots of citric acid and potassium in it too, which is a total bladder irritant. Good God, I am starting to wonder if it was a mistake to even do this test. I just do not want my bladder IC to flare or get a UTI. For me that is worse than anything they could find on this scope! I know that would be hard for a person who does not suffer IC to understand, but that bladder pain is the worst pain I have ever dealt with in my life. I was suicidal when I was in the beginning throws of IC hell. You know how it is to have UTI's. Well intensify that by over 1000 times and that is how IC feels. It is awful. Husband says that I made it this far with not eating for already almost 2 days so I should just follow through with it and just do the test and get it over with. Ughhh, this really sucks. I mean honestly if it were not for my bladder issues, this would not be bad at all for me. Stupid bladder!!!

Thanks again, and please say a small prayer that my bladder does not flare to awful and that I don't get a UTI and all goes smoothly!!! I appreciate it...
I agree with your husband, you're already this far in the process, may as well keep going with it. I hope your bladder behaves itself and that you can get through this relatively unscathed. Since it sounds like you won't be in any rush to do this again, make sure they do it right - let them know beforehand that they should take lots of biopsies!

Gatorade and Pedialyte have a lot of sugar too, so it might be best to avoid those. Have you started drinking the prep yet? Good luck with it, it's not fun but as LMV said, the prep is the worst part. A couple years ago when I went to the hospital to be scoped, I was nervous and feeling crappy and just didn't want to be there. The nurse took one look at me and said, "Having a bad day? Don't worry, we're going to give you some good drugs and I promise the rest of your day will be much better." That made me smile, and she was right. I hope you get through the rest of today & tonight smoothly, and then tomorrow should be just like what that nurse told me. :)
I am trying to stick to just water basically. I bought some pedialyte and clear Gatorade but not sure if I want to even try that stuff as it all has lots of citric acid and potassium in it too, which is a total bladder irritant.

I understand what you are saying about the pedialyte and Gatorade with the stuff in it that you are trying to avoid, but definitely have something other than just water. You need some sodium and other stuff or you will get dehydrated and possibly end up with muscle cramps or a horrible headache.
2thFairy, she's drinking chicken broth too which should have a lot of sodium especially if it's store-bought. But that is a good point - I get dehydrated so easily and I did have to go to urgent care for IV fluids both times I did prep. And I was drinking Gatorade and chicken broth! Ihurt, if you start feeling dizzy or headachey or if your hands/feet start twitching, go get some IV fluids. You won't mess up the prep by getting IV fluids. If you're not sure if you're dehydrated, pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it snaps right back then you're okay - but if it takes a second or longer to go back, then you're dehydrated.

Edited to add: I think 2thFairy deleted her post - but I feel like mine still contains useful info so I'm leaving it.
Sorry about that... yes I did delete my post on accident. After several edits and then accidently deleting, I gave up.

What I was saying was pointed at don't just drink water. Definitely also have something that has sodium in it at the very least, such as the chicken broth. You don't want to get dehydrated as that can cause muscle cramps and for me, horrible headaches.
Hey Guys,

OMG, this is horrific to say the least. Well I started drinking the first round of prep at like 2:30. I drank the prep within like 10 minutes. It was nasty, but honestly, Theraflu tea tastes WAY worse to me. Go figure. Anyhow I then polished off the next 32 ounces of water within 30 min. I was running to the toilet literally 25 minutes after I drank the stuff. Ughhh, God between trying to keep everything clean due to my UTI issues it is terrible. I mean I am literally peeing out my butt now! It even looks like yellow pee! I feel like I pooed out a liter or more of water already. Thanks 2thfairy and Cat-a-tonic, I will take your advice on the chicken broth. Is it ok to drink chicken broth?? I mean it wont mess up the prep at all? I was going to stick with water, but now that you mentioned it, I think you are right, I need something with sodium. I will try he chicken broth I got, It is salty as hell.

This sucks. I mean I gotta tell ya, colonoscopy prep and being prone to UTI's and being a germaphobe does NOT mix!! You would probably laugh watching me poop out rivers clean up myself, clean the toilet a bit just to turn around and have to do it all over again! I am exhausted.. I have been using Vaseline and reapplying every time but my poor anus is not liking me right now. I have been drinking a lot of water. When does the water poops calm down? I mean I still have another bottle of that **** to drink later. I don't even know why, I mean there is NO solids left in me. My last 6 poops have been pretty much mainly yellow liquid. There was a tiny piece of stool in there, I mean like the size of a pepper flake. If I keep drinking, is it going make me keep pooping, like is all the liquid I drink going to run right through me??

Thanks Guys, this sucks big time. Well, Gotta run to the toilet again.. Will keep you posted. You guys are the best, thanks for the support, it is greatly appreciated!!!
Ihurt, I was always told that it's fine to drink chicken broth. The main thing is that you shouldn't have solid food and definitely nothing red in color (no red Gatorade, no red Jello, etc). Some doctors are more picky (mine also says no purple) but I've never heard of chicken broth being a no-no for prep. I had canned chicken broth the first time I did prep, and homemade the 2nd time.

And I was always told that once I start going clear ("butt-peeing" yellow liquid is okay, but no solids whatsoever) then I could stop drinking prep. I never drink the full amount anyway. I think of it like this - they prescribe the same amount of prep for everyone. So a 300 lb guy would be getting the same amount of prep to drink as I (a slim female) would. I just feel like it doesn't take much to clean me out especially since I'm not large to begin with, so I just drink till I'm going clear and then stop.

And yes, that sounds pretty typical for prep, running to the bathroom a LOT, peeing out your butt, and a sore angry anus. If you have flushable wet wipes and/or a nice cream such as Calmoseptine, definitely use them every time you go, it'll make you feel less sore. Taking a bath later on when things calm down might help too (although I'm not sure if you can take baths with your bladder issues - with my recurrent UTIs I was always told no bubble baths but a regular bath is okay). Yeah, you'll keep going for awhile while the laxative is still having an effect on you but things should slow down after awhile. Hang in there! I feel for you, prep sucks!
Cat-a-Tonic: Thanks for the info. I am drinking this can chicken broth that my husband got. IT is really good and salty so that should help I hope. Where can I get the calmospetine cream? my butt needs relief and Vaseline is NOT cutting it. Can you get this at the local walgreens or CVS pharmacy. I live in Chicago.

Damn, now I am torn on what to do. I mean I am pooping liquid. It looks like pee. Porbably because I started my liquid diet yesterday all day. The last time I ate anything solid was Tuesday evening. I mean part of me wants to just not drink the other bottle, But I also want to make sure I am clean so I don't mess this test up. I mean is it possible to poop yellow to clear and still have more poop in there hiding somewhere?? Maybe if I only drink half of the other one. I am certain that I do not have a ton more poop in me, I mean I have went the last 6 times and it is getting lesser in quantity, but it is just liqiid now. I am a small woman, I only weigh about 109 pounds. I guess they figure everyone has the same length of intestines so they give the same amount of prep to guys and girls, who knows.

Thanks for the support, appreciate it Cat!!!
Oh, I have another question, Is it ok to take my probitoics while I am going through this cleanse to add back the bacteria?? I mean they are enteric coated and wont dissolve till it reaches the colon. I am trying to keep my Gut flora somewhat in balance. I mean I have to also take my low dose antibiotic later so I want to make sure I have my probiotics in there too... I take 50 billion by renew life and also florastor. Can I take these after I am done with my prep? Will it mess anthing up??
I don't know about probiotics, but I wouldn't worry too much about how you do the prep. Like Cat-a-Tonic, I assume that the instructions don't have to be followed exactly, as they're the same for everyone despite everyone's intestines being different.

Last time I did a prep was for a barium follow through. I was supposed to do one day of clear liquids only, and take a laxative. I rang the radiology department and said that since I have diarrhoea all the time anyway, couldn't I just stop taking my anti-diarrhoea meds and not bother with the laxative - they said that was fine, so that's what I did. I also didn't think much of the clear liquids diet - I hate both jelly and bouillon and consommé soups, which are clear liquids. I actually drank some strawberry milkshake, which was definitely not allowed, but they did the procedure the next day with no problems - I was adequately clear.

I'm not suggesting you do what I did and risk milkshake, but don't worry about being too exact over this. And if you've already been doing a liquid diet for two days, you're definitely going to need more than water as you'll need more calories.

Hope the scope goes well!
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Sorry for not responding sooner, Ihurt. Yes, you can get Calmoseptine at Walgreens - they usually keep it behind the pharmacy counter so you will probably have to ask for it. It's probably fine to keep taking your probiotics too. I've always been told that with prep, I can continue taking my normal meds & supps, with the exception of a few things such as fish oil (it thins the blood a bit, so can cause an increased risk of bleeding when they take biopsies).

Good luck with the scope! Fingers crossed that it gets you some answers!
Hope your scope has gone ok! It is always shocking how well that prep works! Its awful! Luckily I haven't needed a scope in a couple of years! Hopefully you wont need another one for a while.

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