Hi Folks! Just a quick history of mine: i have been suffering from persistent abdominal pain (burning type of pain) for the past two to three years and since then i have had frequent bowel moments (usually take Imodium once or twice a week to hold my BMs).I have been to numerous GI specialists and almost all of them diagnosed me with IBS-D . I have undergone numerous tests in the past four to 5 months i.e Stool Occult blood( Normal) Celiac disease test (Normal), H.pylori test (Normal),stool culture MacConkey agar ( Normal), CT scan abdomen and Pelvis with contrast (Normal) , Thyroid Profile test (Normal) ,FreeT4(Normal) Calprotectin test (Normal) and numerous other tests which came back normal.. I recently had a colonoscopy.. The GI doctor found nothing while doing the procedure but my biopsy report came back as " MILD CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE TERMINAL ILEUM". I will see my G.I doctor after a week .What does my biopsy result mean? Is it conclusive of IBD? please give me your opinion. And secondly i am just fed of this persistent pain in my abdomen and loose stools (been on numerous antibiotics as well and some of them usually did make my condition even worst). Thanks