Colonoscopy today fingers crossed...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 11, 2010
Well my brother is back at hospital today, its official he's having a flare up, back on prednislone & aziathioprine, very poorly!! Were still interested in trying the LDN, docs advised against it as apparantly its not very well tested, he'll need to come off aziathioprine before he tries it anyway, but its defo going to be something to try in the future, nothing else works.
They dont even think a bag would help my brother as his bowel is that diseased they said its not even an option. Such a horrible disease, they have suggested maybe trying humira, but weve seen alot of bad press about it. So not keen on that idea. Anyone got any personal opinions on humira or LDN??

Hi Lolly: I'm sorry to hear that your brother is so sick right now. Will be thinking about him today. New to Crohn's so no opinions re. those meds, but you can find a good amount of info on this forum about them (I think there's a Humira Club somewhere on here). Your brother is so lucky to have you to help him investigate his options.
there is a sub forum for LDN in the treatment section. i want to try it, but as yet have not be alble to.
Thanks guys, he's just back from hospital they had to abort mission his bowel is that bad they have put him straight back on steroids & infliximab! He's tried it before and it calmed the crohns down slightly so anything is better than this i guess
Jen x
Sorry to hear that sweety, be strong. Hope the steroids etc help get him back on his feet! Best of luck!

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