Colonoscopy Worries

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Jun 8, 2009
Hi All I have a few worries in fact i'm terrified. I'm having a Colonoscopy with Dilation of Bowel and a Polyp removed. I also have to take Moviprep before I go to Hospital and i'm worried about the journey (loose bowel movement) will I make it there without disaster:( has anyone had the same problem.
Thanks ChrisJue
I've had 2 colonoscopies, although I was out when they took place I still did the prep. First time I had Picolax and it was okay, taste wasn't as bad as some other preps and yes I did experience lots of D, however it wasn't so awful as I was in the hospital right by a bathroom.

Second time I had Kleenprep - it tasted like sea water and the volume was huge and it was very effective. Again stayed by the bathroom at home all day, then when I went to bed I put old towels over the sheets just incase and used a pantyliner too. Same for the next morning in the car, luckily though no disasters everything was fine. Although everyone feels safer taking these precautions.

Honestly you'll be fine I'm sure, it is a worrying time but it's not as bad as you think it's going to be, I was the same but having gone through it twice I wouldn't be concerned if the third time came around. It's not such a long procedure, risks are low and you'll be recovering in no time. Take care, hope it all goes okay.
hi chrisjue

having an accident on the way to the hospital isnt too likely, you should be all cleaned out by then and wont be needing to have more bm's.
the prep for a colonoscopy is done the day before the procedure.
what did the dr office instruct you to do as far as prep and timeline?
Thanks Natalie & Kello I took the Moviprep last night and this morning it was a struggle to swallow really yuk! kept heaving my Colonoscopy is this afternoon 1pm will let you know how it went.
Thanks ChrisJue
I remember my first colonoscopy.... what an experience, I got to watch to whole thing..

How'd yours go?? Hopefully pain free..
Hi All the Colonoscopy was very painful they Dilated the narrowing removed a Polyp took some byopsies then as I thought it was all over they wanted to look in my tail end as I have a small part left this really really hurt they took some byopsies from there too then I staid on a ward for the night back home now and all was well till yesterday when I saw my specialist and he told me he wants me to go on Humera injections he looked at my Blood Test results and saw I have had a problem with my Kidneys since Jan 2007 first I'd heard of it nobody mentioned it before. But other than that I'm in perfect health LOL. Thanks for all your replies Chris
Thanks All I've been back and seen my Specialist he wants me to try Humira I've been on a couple of sites and it all seems a bit frightening (side effects) also my Creatinine was high at 111 does anyone know what this is and should I be worried.
sorry chris, i dont really know anything about creatinine levels...hopefully someone who knows about it will come in here and help you out

as far as humira, just like any other drug the list of side effects is lengthy and scary. but just try to keep in mind how very small the occurances is and also that its not a guarunteed fact that the reported incidents were CAUSED by the drug. the person in the trial may have developed the "side effect" whether they were on the drug or not, make sense?
if it makes you feel better and gives you relief than it is such a small risk to pay. thats how i see it at least.

good luck with everythign!
Hi All sorry not been on for awhile 3 years OMG where is the time going Humira not that bad seems to be keeping Crohns at bay fingers crossed. creatinine sorted now my Vitamin B12 is low so starting injections for that, bloods every month I'm beginning to look like a sieve lol thank you all for helping me a rough time

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