I have had the twilight sedation 4 times now, and I did briefly regain just a hint of consciousness for a second or two during my most recent scope. I didn't open my eyes, I just have a faint memory of becoming minimally conscious and feeling like something was in my butt and it was mildly uncomfortable, but no pain whatsoever. Then I zonked right back out and have no further memory of that scope. And that's the only memory I have from any of my scopes. The twilight sedation is pretty good stuff (to the point that I apparently had a whole conversation with my GI that I don't remember!), and I agree with the others in this thread who have said that fentanyl is good stuff. I always wake up after my scopes feeling rested and pain-free (even though they always take a zillion biopsies from me). Sometimes the day after a scope is a bit painful, as the fentanyl has worn off by then and I can sometimes feel painful spots where I presume they took biopsies from. So if you're able to, I would recommend taking off of school/work the day after a scope, too. For my last scope, I took 3 full days off - one for prep, one for the scope, and one to recover. That worked out quite well.