Colostomy reversal and stenosis operation

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Nov 11, 2015
Greetings to all who are struggling with this terrible disease :hug:
I am coming from Croatia and I would like to share my story with you.
Sorry if my English is not perfect :)
At year 2002 I got a high fever accompanied by pain in my left leg. After reviewing the surgeon and emergency surgery,they removed me even a liter and a half of manure from the large meat. After several repeated drainage which were repeated within a few months I was urgently transported to hospital and found to have a hole about 8 cm wide in the colon which it is not known how it was created, and it was discovered that it was all caused fistulae and abscesses, and how my mother has Crohns disease ,the same diagnosis was set to me.
After few months reappears purulent abscess and then in a emergency operation surgeon set me a temporary colostomy. What is interesting is that the surgeon said that in the operation there was not found any indication of Crohn.
After that they done Seton drainage,and after that the fistulas and abscess settled down,and from 2007 fortunately not repeated. After that I was feeling great,but few years ago I started to feel abdominal pain and tests have established that I have stenosis on the small intestine. For years I have pain due to stenosis and I have to keep the diet, but unfortunately I am not doing this very well so I often feel pain in my bowel.
I made colonoscopy and every other search,and my colon is now ok, but it is not the same case with small intestine.
This month I am going on operation in which they will remove the part of the small intestine that is affected with stenoses, and they will done a reversal colostomy.
After that, the doctor recommended me a biologic therapy. They said to me that if I will be okey,if the fistulas not come back and if I wont have a big problem with diarrhea that they wont have to put the colostomy bag again. My rectal muscle is a little bit weaker,but the doctor told me that with practice it can be better.
For now I'm on Imuran and Salofalk for years. I wonder if there's anyone among you with a similar diagnosis? Is there someone who operated stenosis and had a reversal colostomy after so many years?What is your experience? I'm very frightened of this operation since it possible for fistulas to come back,and on the other hand there is the possibility to have frequent diarrheas.
Thank you for very much!:):)

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