Common cold >>> pain??

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Aug 6, 2010
Uggh Ive been doing pretty well on 5mg of pred and LDN lately. Actually the best Ive been in a long time (probably ever.. 10 years..). I came down with a cold a few days ago, and ever since, Ive been having lower left sharp pains. Is it possible that theres a relationship between the common cold and the pain? Maybe my immune system kicking in and causing inflammation to aggravate?
Its pretty discouraging considering I was doing so well off meds. The meds have always given me poor results, either no response or a bad response. I havent been eating much at all since the pain started a few days ago.. only one light meal/day and a light snack. The pain comes on every 30-90 seconds, sometimes less often. Its really exhausting. I use heat therapy (plug-in pad thing) for the most part since my GI doesn't think pain is something that should be treated--nor does my GP want to get involved. Uhhhhh
I've always found that having a cold (or something similar) tends to occupy the immune system enough for it to leave my guts alone....
It sounds like some sort of gut spasm. Do you have any Buscopan at least? Liquid diet for a day or two is probably a wise precaution. If they won't give you pain meds (WTF) sleep meds would really help relax you. Get another GP!
Are you taking Budenoside? It suppresses the immune system, which would make you feel sick longer, and possibly worse than you would if you were not on the medication. Maybe its a combination of the meds and your weakened immune system because of the cold?? I hope you feel better soon!!
handle.. Im not sure what Buscopan is but I dont have any either way. Im not on Budenoside either. My GI is more concerned about me becoming hooked on pain killers than becoming a functional member of society. And my GP would do anything to avoid getting involved in my IBD. Its near impossible to get a doctor here these days so Im lucky to have what I do ---- if you can say lucky. Thanks for the wishes...
I have been getting really horrible sharp pains in my stomach on the right side at first but now moving towards the left also. I have the cold just now too but after leaving it for about four days I decided to go to the doctors (after people on here advised me to :p ) when the pain spread round to my back. Turns out I have a kidney infection. Doc found blood and protein in my urine. Been on antibiotics for it for 4 days now and haven'e seen much improvement so if it doesn't settle I will be going back. Go see your doctor it's really not worth leaving it.
Hi - My son is undiagnosed, but his symptoms all get much worse when he is sick with anything, even a cold.

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