I have been learning so very much from you good knowledgable people, thank you already! My son Andrew is 16, non verbal, down syndrome, autism, scoliosis, history of antibiotics for ears, recurring staph infections etc. always diagnosed with IBS (constipation to lose stools) tried so many diets and supplements through the years.He has had episodes of hurting him self and scratching others in past and I was convinced something was hurting him. drs tried to find things but had to put him on risperdal to help him and it did help but I still pay close attention to medical issues. couple years ago,developed pilondonal cyst. (sp) very large but dr says they can just be there with no problems (agony for us and him, he cannot tell us what hurts) but I could tell not painful at the time. then around february this year, he began to get worse, couple of shaking episodes after meals, very loud rumbling, sleep bad, sometimes even breathing strange. dr says the main thing he noticed was his slow but sure weight loss through the years, so tummy exray, if no constipation, gi again (who did not really seem to help lately) so then gi does lots of blood work and stool samples, found inflammation in stools but blood work okay. wt. 102 at this time. she wants to do colonoscopy and endoscopy (had two endoscopies in past) and schedules for way down rode. in 3 months had next app. down to 97 pounds. anyway as time goes on fatigue getting worse and bless his heart, I tried to figure out pain from other things but so hard. usually hungry constantly except when tired and nausea come. we are at vanderbilt in nashville tn. tests were so very hard of course but they were done 2 wks ago. she says patches of red and biopsies say esaphagus normal, colon and illium of what they could see has patches of colitis that are self limiting. so will have more blood work, more stool samples and this time to find out degree of inflammation and to rule out parisites and bacteria. dont understand why these were not ruled out before. he also has unusual sores the nodule type that get ugly sometimes with head to them then turn dark but have returned. cyst (I mean abscess now) also gets better and worse, now is red and may have to go to dr. to check. she said they saw some of illiim sp? but to do the other tests to look at this my son would probably not be able to tolerate. wish I had the results in front of me and sorry guys so long, I feel I have so much in common with you all! these issues are formost in my mind, thank you for reading this crazy too long post, God Bless and would love some advise?