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Sep 21, 2014

This is my background; 25, male, crohn's disease, bowel resection of 12 inches of the ileum 7 years ago. Disease shown throughout my small bowel but no where else with last capsule endoscopy (which was a nightmare getting out lol). My gastroenterologists says I'm in the 5% of people who have crohn's like this.

The situation I am in at this moment is this; I am on a fully liquid diet (have been for 7 weeks) and have been using modulen over last 2 years in conjunction with solid foods to keep my weight healthy. I am coming towards the end of a benzodiazepine taper which may have made my GI issues a lot worse but anyway here is what I am experiencing and have been for a while:

I can't eat solid foods exclusively without laxitives and sometimes I don't think it's a matter of what I eat because I am still experiencing problems on a liquid diet which is extreme distention, hardened bowel throughout, some minor pains throughout day, fatigue, nausia. I take laxido very regularly which I notice after a hour of the time ingested I push down/massage my bowels and I can hear and feel trapped gas shooting through my bowels which brings great relief to a lot of the symptoms if not all. I have always had constipation never diarrhea.

Over the last year I've been using laxido I've notice my stools are no longer brown but more of a grey/green colour. I have talked to my Gastroenterologist about this and he doesn't seem too concerned and couldn't really give me a real explanation as to why but I am almost certain it is because of laxido messing with the bile salts or the lining of the bowel.. something along those lines and it feels permanent. My stools at the moment are just thinner than usual but more consistent because I am on a small laxido dose daily. What confuses me is that some rare days my stools are normal size but mostly much thinner than the average and they are usually inconsistent in shape and size.

I've started back on azathioprine and I also take probiotics (natren), wild oregano oil, N-acetyl Glucosamine. I am not yet able to do full exercise as coming off a benzodiazepine has made me a bit intolerant to it. I walk for miles everyday and will be starting an exercise regime very soon.

The problem I have here is that my Gastro says my last MRI scan showed no strictures and all my stool sample tests actually show no active disease at all..everything I've had shows I don't have crohn's. It feels like a surgical problem for me that can't really be sorted out through lifestyle and mindset. I really want to start eating food very soon but am not too keen on the idea of using laxitives longterm either.

Does anyone else have similar problems or any advice would be so grateful!

Cheers peeps! :thumleft:
I have also grey/green stool when on modulen, i think its normal....

You may need a second opinion if your actual gastro cant answer your questions and find a reason to those symptoms
I have small bowel crohn's as well, although so far it has been fairly mild (only two hospitalizations with partial obstructions). I also suffer from constipation and take not only Miralax daily but also Linzess. I still have a fair amount of pain although my last scan was fairly clear. There are times when the pain is quite debilitating; I just figure I'll never really be "normal" (i.e. pain free, normal digestive function and normal poops). I try to keep a food diary to see if the trouble is caused by specific foods but haven't really found anything yet. Do you have and scarring or adhesions from your resection?