Constant vaginal bleeding

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Oct 11, 2009
I have been on my period for over two weeks now. I have been having problems like this ever since my last surgery eight months ago. I told my Dr that I am basically on my period every two weeks, and they each last at least 10 days (usually more). She just said, "Oh I feel bad for your husband." And didn't really have any advice for me.

I left her office frustrated, and called her a few days later and asked if I should get an ultra sound and she said that that would probably be a good idea (side rant: Why must I always ask for tests? Why do I always have to diagnose and treat myself????? What are we paying these people for?). My ultra sound is scheduled for next Thursday.

Any way, as I told my Dr, I get a lot of cramping and my Crohns gets so much worse when I am on my period, so beyond the usual reasons to want this to go away, I have that to deal with.

Any idea what could be wrong with me? I am 28 years old if that helps.
Jeez! I've had this problem. It was endometriosis. Thats not to say that is what yours is though. Glad you are getting tests. But they should also do a full hormone profile on you.

Hope they can get this sorted for you. And I think your Dr needs a good slap!
Well, why the heck didn't your doc suggest an ultrasound if the idea of having one was such a good idea to her?? Could you find another doctor too? If I were in your shoe, I'd feel like I wasn't being taken seriously. That kind of happened with my gyno before I was diagnosed. I complained of having cramping nonstop for a month and was medicating with strong Midol. She just said it was normal and fine and no tests were ever ordered. Nothing was done to investigate until I couldn't take it anymore and said I wanted to switch birth controls. then all of a sudden my symptoms (which hadn't changed up until that point) made my doc think I might have ovarian cysts, so I should get an ultrasound. Well, why wasn't that thought of several months prior when I was telling her about it to her face in the office??

So, yeah....fresh eyes sometimes help. Could you question your GI to get his opinion too? Maybe even your GP. I don't know what it could be other than possible flare-ups again. But, I don't have much experience with what you are describing unfortunately

I hope you get things figured out, Nicole!
Thanks for your fast responses guys!

Terriernut- Yeah it was pretty insulting. here I am telling her that I have been bleeding for months and months and all she can think about is my poor husband who is getting less sex because of this? She also said, "and you're a newlywed! This must make your husband so happy."

Marisa- Thanks for your response too! I always like a little sympathy and commiseration when i am feeling bad for myself, even if you don't have much advice. ;)
They cleaned me out laproscoply (cant spell that). And it came back. I thought I'd try having kids you see. Wasnt meant to be. Now that I know Crohn's is genetic, I'm glad I didnt have any wee ones.

But it did help immensely with heavy non stop periods, horrible cramping, etc. But endo comes back eventually.

Hopefully its just your hormones out of wack!

Thanks Misty! I have always wanted to adopt anyway, so the not having kids would be okay by me. I am more afraid that they wont figure it out at all and give up and act like I am crazy. Ugh.

I'm sorry for your troubles with this and I really appreciate your response.

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