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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
I haven't been to the toilet for 3 or 4 days now, and it's starting to get uncomfortable. I tried drinking coffee, and smoking a cigarette (naughty, I know!) and they didn't get things moving. I have taken some Andrews Salts, as they are all I have in the cupboard, and it's Sunday afternoon so all the shops are closed. I'm not in any pain, so I don't think it's anything serious. Does anyone have any home remedies I can try in case the Andrews doesn't work? Otherwise it will be tomorrow afternoon before I can get to the pharmacy, I don't want to take anything at work!
Hi Rebecca,
You could try some prune juice if you have it.
Sometimes drinking plain hot water may be helpful.
Do you have any oat bran, oatmeal or all bran ---a dish of one of those might help.
It depends on the reason for the constipation---hopefully it is not a blockage of some kind.
Well, the good news is I went, and it was normal looking. But it didn't look like 3-4 days worth! And I still feel kind of 'backed up', like there's still more, so I think I'll take another small dose of Andrews before bed, hopefully I will go in the morning as normal. I did eat a bowl of Weetabix, hopefully that will help! I'm not in any real pain (just bloated and uncomfortable), so I don't think it's a blockage. Maybe I just haven't eaten enough fibre or something like that.
Glad you went, you must be and feel relieved. Maybe you can try mineral oil if you're still having issues before the stores open tomorrow.

Good luck! - Amy

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