Constipation is not good ???

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May 18, 2009
Hi.. I am looking forward to seeing my GP soon again. Last time I was there he mentioned that constipation is not a good thing for Crohnies. I did not know this. I did not have time to ask him more. I have had severe constipation since i was a kid. I thought it was normal. Seems to be in my family.
Now it seems to be getting worse. The dry summer weather and a busy lifestyle absolutely do not help me. Although my calm gentle outdoor Yoga classes are the best !!! I need a prescription for that from my GP..and let healthcare cover it. It would employ people and has less side effect. Although it can be addictive.
Depending where you are, once you see a Gi, he can put you on methotrexate and get it administered at the hospital and it is covered. NO one should not be able to have access to medications. Humira has a coverage if you check out There is also trillium. We private coverage but not even yoga is covered on that. Everything but yoga. Constipation is not normal,unless you are not eating everyone should poop once a day.
I poop once a day but lately it is feels so dry and very slow. I am use to having Diarhea and that is scarey and urgent. I fear that I will jsut think this is normal and not do anything about it.
Why is constipation or slow bulky stool a problem ? I am use to Diarhea beign a problem but not constipation. it seems the more stress I have the more constipated i ahve. When I am able to relax my mind then my gut relaxes. If only I could float in a pool each day. I love water and it makes me relaxed. I don't mean the bath tub. But jsut flaoting helps me let go.. mind and body and spirit.
Oh.. and thanks for the info on Humira. A friend of mine is on it and it is the best he has ever felt. I am grateful to have a wonderful hospital very close to me. Not sure my GI would be ok with that. I hope. I am scared to ave surgery and I am also scared of medications. Just hoping to feel more secure. Well security is rare. I need to go for a Colonoscopy. I haven't had one in 5 years.
I'd also like to get an Endoscopy ??? I often have boughts of coughing and wonder if that is connected. Allergist says I have no allergies. I have been diagnosed with Acid Reflux. Better to face my fears. If there is nothing then it is ok.
I know my Disability covers overnight stays for medical visits. Maybe a trip to To is in order. Could use a vacation too !! Although Northern Ontario sounds nice ;)
Hi fromthegut. I was told that less than 3 bowel movements a week is considered constipated. I use to have diarreah really bad and then one day, it changed completely. I went through months of constipation. I think 13 days of not pooping was my longest. My sense of why it isn't good is because of a few things. First, your poop is "waste". It is toxic if it is in your system for a long period of time. Second, if you are constipated or have strictures, the build up of poop can lead to an obstruction...perforation and/or abscesses.
third, the straining could lead to fissures.
Im not sure but there are probably other reasons why it is not good for a person with Crohn's to be constipated.

As for the acid reflux, I also get bouts of coughing when I lay down. It was suggested for me to put my bed on blocks to raise the head of the bed. Google GERD or acid reflux and it will describe how many inches and how to do it there.
Good luck at your doctors appointment and i hope you can poop better soon.
(Have you tried a stool softener??)
I was just wondering about constipation. I'm in my 4th flair up since 1996 and it's very different this time. About every 3rd day I have horrible cramps (like childbirth) and then have about 4-5 bowl movements - pretty firm. I am used to having diarrhea also. What gives with this? In between I have lots of bloody mucus. Anyone else have these symptoms?

There seem to be a few people around the site that get constipation with their flares... it is not the "normal", but it is beginning to seem not so "abnormal" either.

As Keona mentioned above, holding waste in your body that long is not good, as the waste can get reabsorbed into the body, plus the potential for blockages. There is also the fissure aspect, where the stool is too hard to pass and causes little tears around the anus as it finally does pass. In IBD patients, these fissures seem to take longer to heal than in "normal" people, possibly related to having diarrhea and wiping the area so often, and also the fact that our healing properties are little slower than normal....

As for the bloody mucous, sd, I would imagine it is your body's way of overworking to get rid of the stool. Mucous in IBD patients is usually a sign of a flare, as the intestines tries to shed this mucous (which is normally found along the intestinal walls) in hopes of getting rid of whatever "bug" it thinks it is there. The blood could be from the stool "scratching" the intestinal walls that may already be inflammed....

A gentle, natural stool softener may be in order, like Colace or something. Possibly increasing your water intake may help. Exercise is good thing to get the bowels moving faster as well, although sometimes for us exercise isn't an

I hope you guys find some relief.
I think that I have lost blood from my bout of constipation. My iron and hemoglobin are slowly lowering and I am feelign wrose each month. ( Heavy period bleeds also)
. My GP suggested one a days vitamins with iron. He wanted me to try that instead of iron infusions. He was worried about an allergic reaction. ( Although he forgot in the early days I ahd them and I was fine. )I have a feeling the vitamins won't work. My body won't absorb them. Besides.. I'd rather have the quicker cheaper infusions that really make a difference.