Constipation is subsiding. Sorta...

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Oct 21, 2011
I'm making trips to the bathroom every few hours but it's not very productive? My bowels are clearly moving. It's like I can feel it with weird patches of discomfort. But I'm only having small poop sessions. Like 2 inches at a time. It's very bizarre.

I'm also on day 10 or so of a cold that won't end
have you discussed it with your doctor? How's your stomach pain? Do you feel you may be constipated due to being backed up by inflammation.
He thought the constipation may have been caused by DayQuil and NyQuil I was taking for the cold. He was reluctant to say anything until the capsule endoscopy next week
I regularly suffer from constipation so much so my GI specialist referred me to the hospital Dietician. I was advised to take up to 4 tablespoons of linseed a day and that it can take up to 6 weeks for the full effect--- MIRACLE!!! Within 2 weeks I was going to the loo every day for the first time in my life! The other good thing is that the linseeds don't cause cramps like laxatives do. I have been taking linseeds for 6 months and never felt better.
Hope this helps and Good luck x
Pffft... I have gone to the bathroom 8 times today. :/ all formed, but barely more than an inch or two at a time.
I've had that problem in the past, too. For me, it was caused by a stricture in my back passage, which when stretched, fixed the issue completely.

Have you tried anything like Miralax (that was the only thing that helped me, and even that wasn't helpful at times), or fiber supplements?

If this is the first time this has happened, I'd give yourself some time to see if laying off the cold meds helps. Otherwise, it may be worth trying a gentle laxative.

I know how horrible that feeling is, so I hope it clears up soon!

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