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- Jul 14, 2012
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Ev went almost 48 hours without a bm. Today he's finally started moving again and has had 4 looser but significant bm's but he's also developed an area lower right (where he had thickening) that is very painful. Just returned from the ER. They've diagnosed him with constipation and said to start a stool softener. His on call GI said to watch him overnight and if pain persists to take him to the Children's hospital. The area that hurts he actually flinches and turns white when pressure is applied. I know he is backed up (x-rays verified it) but can that cause a small direct area of pain? I'm so lost on what is normal now. He's never reacted to pain like this but has said as long as no pressure is on the area its just a dull ache. He literally lost color when the ER doc did the exam. He's insisting he just needs rest. I want to relax but I'm afraid of making the wrong call