Constipation with an ileostomy?

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Oct 18, 2012
I don't have a stoma yet but will soon be getting an ileostomy. What happens if you get constipated with an ileostomy? I've already had my colon removed and I usually have diarrhoea but occasionally I can get really painfully constipated and my bowel has gotten impacted a few times, even without a colon. Is it a problem to get really constipated from a stoma? If I get another impaction, is this dangerous with a stoma?
Oooh! This is a good ?. I myself suffer from severe constipation and not the chronic diarrhea and soon will be in a bag. I'll have a colostomy not an ileostomy. Regardless, I hope somne is able to give some input if this has happened or if it does what to do then...
Like Crohnzie Girl I always had constipation and never diarrhea. I have a colostomy and have never had that problem since. I've never actually heard of anyone with a stoma getting constipated at all. You'd be more likely to get a blockage if anything.
Hi, my mum has an ileostomy and never ever has constipation. I hope this helps. Mind, the colostomy could be better I think as mum has loads of fluid output which can be a major problem. But there are plenty on here with ileostomies that i'm sure will chat to you on this.
good luck
Wow! So it sounds like we really have a chance to be in remission and not have to suffer from the usual symptoms of Crohn's. Phew! I'll keep reading and learn more about it. Scariest is abscess or when the skin separates from the stoma. But I rather be informed than to have either one happen and not a clue what it is or how to treat it. Thanks Guys! :)
Its unlikely you will get constipated with an ileostomy as they are usually very liquid as most fluid is absorbed from the large bowel. Blockages can occur so you need to be careful about what you eat particularly in the first couple of months while everything heals. Temporary blockages will clear themselves - avoid food and just keep liquids up but anything that lasts longer would need a hospital visit. I'm not sure if the same would apply to a colostomy as more fluid can be absorbed along the way. I used to get constipated pre stoma too but now have a very high quantity and very liquid output. Hope this helps.
Its unlikely you will get constipated with an ileostomy as they are usually very liquid as most fluid is absorbed from the large bowel. Blockages can occur so you need to be careful about what you eat particularly in the first couple of months while everything heals. Temporary blockages will clear themselves - avoid food and just keep liquids up but anything that lasts longer would need a hospital visit. I'm not sure if the same would apply to a colostomy as more fluid can be absorbed along the way. I used to get constipated pre stoma too but now have a very high quantity and very liquid output. Hope this helps.

Thanks for all the replies. I've read about blockages and I don't think avoiding the foods that cause them will be a problem as they seem to be the same types of foods that give me problems already - high residue/fibre foods like nuts, vegetable skins, etc.

So is it unusual that my bowel still gets impacted sometimes even though I no longer have a colon? At the moment my rectum is joined to my small intestine, but I've still had impactions.
With ileostomy, if you manage to get thickened toothpaste consistency, you are lucky. Constipation is not an issue with an ileo.
I don't believe constipation can occur with an ileo, as fluid is absorbed in the colon so output is very watery. Blockages however can happen. These are mechanical blockages caused by food. I was in agony and vomiting from a blockage. Lasted 2 days and I thought I was going to die. Was such a relief when it eased. I probably should have gone to hospital but was completely over doctors etc etc.

Let us know how you get on and ask as many questions as you want.
Jano, do you know what you ate that caused the blockage? That's my biggest fear right now as an ostomy newb (have a temporary ileo). Prior to having my colon removed, I suffered severe constipation.
I've had a few blockages and each one was from eating too many fibrous things in one sitting. With a brand new ileo, definitely do a low-fiber diet for a couple of months and then slowly try out new foods.
That reminds me that my mum also had this issue a few times. also, the area around the stoma gets very sore too with bile acids burning it. Tis hard for her to stick plaster to sometimes. But on the whole she did very well.
It's a couple of years since I started this thread, and I pretty much am constipated despite my ileostomy. I have output like cement and empty it twice a day. I used to get blockages but with my latest stoma (I'm now on my third) that doesn't seem to happen. Fibre makes my output thicker.
Boloby when did you have your surgery? Unxmas when are you getting your stoma?

My kid is getting her ileostomy on Wednesday. (July 15)
Now that I look at dates this makes total sense! I was thinking you were going for another surgery Unxmas & I missed a thread. Those dates are handy. Confuses you when someone reactivate an old post.
Because of another medical condition I have, my first one went back into my stomach, so the output stopped coming out. The stoma nurses were quite shocked. So then I got my second, but when my bowel perforated they had to create a new one, even though the problem hadn't been with the stoma itself. My current one is going to need fixing too though as it's very prolapsed but I've been putting of the surgery (have to have surgery on my bladder instead next!) though I shouldn't need a new one, they can just do something to put it back in apparently.