Convex wafer:Need help quick

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Apr 22, 2006
Okay I got my trial convex wafers from hollister. I want to make sure I put it on properly so is there any difference in how you apply it compared with the flat wafers. I'm going to be hopefully be doing this tomorrow but if I get a leak tonight then I guess it will be sometimes tonight so I need to know soon. Thanks guys
Damn...can't help you as I haven't tried one. I'd have to assume that it would be the same application.

I hope someone comes on who has experience for you Jeff. Good luck!!!
Thanks, yeah I assume it's the same as well but my stomach is flat and the convex piece looks like it indents a lot. I was wondering if I need to put a bead of adhesive around the convex part as well? I don't really know what I'm asking except for some advise and tips.haha
I'd likely just put a bead of paste around the opening to the stoma...wouldn't want to hinder the adhesive anywhere else. But I could be wrong. Sorry I'm not more helpful!!!
Yeah that's what I'm thinking but I guess because I have not taken it out yet I'm nervous how it works. I only have two samples so I want to make sure I put it on correctly. I may call my ostomy nurse in the morning to check if I don't get an answer here. i guess I'd really like to find a diagram if possible but searching the net I come up with nothing.
hi Jeff... i am a relative newbie to convex flanges, so i understand the worry of not putting it on correctly...

what i do is.. cut the hole to my stoma size, i then very slightly stretch the hole by running my finger round in it - the ones i've used kind of curl up around the edge of the hole when i do this, and then retract to their original size once in place - then i just apply it as normal, starting from the area under the stoma, and pressing the whole thing into place.

straight away, you need to get the part which encircles your stoma pressed down with a finger tip, all the way round - this will feel like a little circular valley around your stoma. once that's adhered, press the whole flange and hold it pressed with your hand for a few seconds to make sure it's stuck... with many of the convex flanges, you don't actually get the whole area of the flange stuck down, there is a gap of unstuck flange where it rises up... but as long as the bit round the stoma is stuck fast, and also the bit around the very edge of the flange is - that's ok.

i hope that helps, it's really hard to describe in type!!


ps the Hollister ones have just been recommended to me, and i haven't ordered them yet, so let me know what you think of them.
Oh, okay. Thanks so much Sue. I was wondering what to do with the part that's raised. Now it makes sense that you have to press the whole thing down. Cool.

Yeah, I'll definitely let you know what I think of them. They are the New Image ones and I also got some new bags that are the New Image bags with the filter. I'm not sure how that's going to be but we'll see I guess.haha
i'm wanting to use the Hollister convex flanges with the microskin bags i got recently - it's been a pain finding something that the microskin adheres to - apart from my skin lol. let me know how the New Image bags feel too - as maybe that's something i could try.

we can go on an appliances learning expedition together :D
What are the microskin bags like? I haven't heard of them before. Yeah I'll keep you updated on what I think of the New Image products. The cool thing about this one is that the charcoal won't bind up as it "can't" get wet. We'll see what happens when the time comes but that's what I was told. They think part of the reason I may be getting leakages is because I produce a lot of gas at night and it lifts the flange up a bit. I'm not sure that's true but we'll see. I'm up for experimentation. If I like the convex stuff then I'm going to get samples from every manufacturer to last me the month or so until I can order convex wafers at my next ordering date.
the microskin is gorgeous to wear! i know that sounds kinda weird, seeing as we're talking about stoma appliances lol, but in all the years i've had a stoma, this is the first bag that feels so wonderful, light, itch-free. the only problem is that directly around the stoma, the microskin really doesn't stick that well so i need to find something to use with it.

here's the link.. the microskin ones are down the page in the orangey/brown section - but i really am not sure if you can get them outside of the UK..
Does that mean you are using a one piece or a two piece? What isn't sticking well? Is it the adhesive? I haven't seen them around here but it doesn't mean we don't have it here in the states. Do you think it would attach to a hollister system?
i'm not sure why i have problems with it Jeff... i have a misbehaving stoma which sometimes retracts, then when it pokes back out again it's bent, so the output hole is pointing down and very often the output seeps under the adhesive skin around it. this problem is why i turned to convex flanges - they completely sort the problem out - but so far i haven't found one that the microskin adheres to very well.

the rest of the microskin flange adheres really well - it's just that bit around my stoma which is the problem.

i've just rung my supplier and ordered some Hollister convex flanges, so i'll let you know how it goes.
:)hey Jeff, have you tried calling Hollister, the maker of the wafer? They should have a wound care RN on staff who can tell you how to properly put the wafer on. If they give you a hard time about it, then give Convatec a call. I've called both companies in the past for assistance on different items. If you need help with anything, let me know. I'd be happy to get phone numbers for you or whatever. take care from one crohnie and ostomate to another. :)
I haven't called Hollister but I have tried Convatec and I love it so much I think I'm going to stick with them. I'm just waiting to get their pouch without a filter because my stool just soaks the filter and it stops working anyway so I feel it's best to try it without the filter. The wafer is the most comfortable and the tape feels as if it's not even on me.

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