I'm talking nonstarchy vegetables, no baked potatoes or any of that crap.
People complain about veggies some times but if you go awhile without eating them, then eat a bunch in a short amount of time, the fiber CAN BE hard to digest. And unfortunately these people will then quit eating veggies because they think they are bad for them. For these people they should gradually begin to consume the vegetables before just going all out right away, then you can increase your intake after you can comfortably eat them.
I'm going to graduate with 2 degrees in Food and Nutrition Science and Dietetics in the fall. And while I was on SCD I noticed that my gut was at its best, and my bowel movements were the most formed while I was eating lots of cooked veggies. I'm not boasting at all just explaining what I know, what I've learned, and my own anecdotal experiences.
The indigestible fiber in the veggies IS good for the gut because veggies do a good job of regulating peristalsis, do a good job soaking up liquid in the intestines in order to form bowel movements, plus they are extremely nutrient dense and provide tons of different phytochemicals.