My son has had Crohns since 2002 at age 17. He was put on remicade in 2004. THe cost at that time and up to 1/1/2014 was $6600.00, our part was about $400.00. He always got his infusions at the Rhuemetology office. The location was switched to a hospital infusion center and our bill for 2/2014 was $25,000.00, our part $1600.00. I have not been able to get an answer about the price change. I lost my ability to keep him on my work;s COBRA insurance 3/1/14 after 3 yrs. He get treatments ev 2 months. We were going to cancel the April appointment as we haven't been able to get him any insurance yet. We were directed to medicaid and they are on a 5 month wait list!! Dr said he has to get treated or develop anitbodies, so we treated in April, are now in debt the $25,000.00. Still no word from medicaid and June treatment is due. We have Remistart, and also applied to Johnson & Johnson. We'll see. I'm afraid if he is denied medicaid though, is there an insurance co that will pick him up. THanks for the forum. I am just overwhelmed and so worried for his health. No flares for over 10 yrs.