Could methotrexate be causing swollen lymph nodes?

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Dec 3, 2010
Hello everyone hope you are all ok? I haven't posted anything in a whole because for a change my health has been ok almost normal which I have t had in a long time.

I have been on metho for a while now and it has been going ok I posted a while ago now as I was getting swelling in my neck the dr thought it was just a blocked saliva gland gave me antibiotics and it disappeared for a bit. I went back again about two or three months ago as they came up again and the dr said it wasn't saliva gland it was my lymph nodes. They said to go back if they are still there they are still swollen and I have been getting a dull ache off and on. They don't stay the same size Friday through to Monday they are a lot bigger especially on Monday when I take my methotrexate. I feel a bit stupid for not going back to the drs yet but i have been feeling better than I was I am going to make an appointment for Monday but until then if any one has any ideas I would be very greatfull.

Kayleigh x
Just noticed how bad some of the spelling is and lots of mistakes I am posting these from my phone so always hit the wrong letters
From what I just Googled, you should definitely contact your GI doc regarding your swollen lymph glands as you could be fighting an infection or it is one of those 'odd' side effects. They may want to do additional blood work.

Good luck and let us know how it goes
Thank you for replying I have got an appointment with my GP tomorrow the dr I usually see is brilliant so I always go to her first before waiting to see the GI which can sometimes take forever lol. I will update tomorrow with what happens but I guess it will be blood tests and maybe refered to someone else as this was mentioned briefly last time I went about them. Hopefully it's not methotrexate as it had been the only thing that has worked and next stop will be surgery.
Yes, I just had the same problem. The doctor actually thought I might have lymphoma because my lymph nodes were so large. CAT scan shoes lymphedemia. It could be Remicade or Methotrexate or the combo-the docs haven't figured it out yet. Antibiotics made them go down, but that's all the info I have as of now.
Went to the dr's this morning and they are sending me for an ultrasound as they want to see what it is they are now saying they don't know if it's a cyst or lymph nodes so should find out with he ultrasound. I have to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment so will update again when I know more. Thank you for all the responses and hopefully this is all something very simple to sort out x
Hi, I am experiencing the same issue (enlarged lymph node) after recently starting Methotrexate and am I wondering what is going on. Were the doctors able to diagnose what was going on? Any guidance would be much appreciated. For my part I will be calling my rheumatologist tomorrow.