Cramping around the belly button

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Mar 4, 2010
Hey guys!
I'm in the process of testing foods and last night I decided to have a small glass of white wine. A couple hours later I experienced some awful cramping around my belly button but a little to the left. My inflammation is in my ileum and I usually get pain around that area, the lower right quadrant.
After lying down for a little while and taking it easy the pain went away, and today I'm feeling fine.
My question is, was that crohn's related? Do any of you experience pain away from where you are inflamed? Or is it possible that my crohn's has spread? I'm not sure whether I should think anything of it or whether it was just a random cramp. I have no idea how to distinguish between regular pains and crohn's pains. so frustrating!!!

This is all so new to me so anything will help... thanks!!
Hi Mel, yes, it can radiate in other areas, even your back. My first dx the pain was in the middle of my belly button, tons of gas and bloat. Now it does happen from time to time, and my ulcers are in the LRQ too. Tricky disease this is. Glad you feel better though. Having said that alcohol can aggrivate the gut too. Could be a random cramp , but I doubt it, has happened so many times for me.
I have a hard time telling what's a normal cramp or what could be crohns. Although its less common, you can have pain on the left side. I don't normally feel pain there but I know that there are some people on this forum who do. It doesn't automatically mean that you're inflamed on the left side either, it could just be pain that radiates in a different direction.

Or maybe try red wine next time. :p

Edit: Yes alcohol can aggravate the gut but that doesn't mean its the alcohol. Many of us, including myself, have little to no issues with drinking any amount of alcohol.
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Mine is in my ileum as well, but I get pain in other spots. Sometimes my lower left quadrant and sometimes my belly button itself hurts (very weird). I think it is Crohn's related but I know it is not getting worse because after my last colonoscopy I specifically asked about those areas and my doctor said he didn't see anything at all in those areas, he even took biopsies but nothing showed. So I wouldn't worry about it spreading. As to why we get pain in areas where we are not inflamed, I haven't figured that out.
I have always had my pain starting in the centre just below my ribs... Yet my Crohn's is in the terminal ileum. I can tell ifit's the Crohn's because if I press my tummy where it hurts it feels better, if I press lower down where the inflammation is it hurts.
Funny you indulged last night, so did I. I had the worse candy benge ever.....ugh, and Im payin for it. Afew hours after I finished my tasty sweet and sour candy, I new I would suffer. My cramps were so bad....similar to the cramps that got me in the ER a few months back. I was on the toilet all night, and even today. I know better than to eat candy or sweets, it always plays havic on my body for the next few following days. Good luck!!
Thanks for all the replies!!
I started to get so worried that my inflammation was spreading. a big fear of mine. It's very very good to hear that pain in other areas is normal. a BIG relief!

As an aside, my bowel movements have been abnormally normal the last few days... dare I say the entocort is working???? I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think it is!

OH and p.s. I tried red wine in the past and it was MUCH worse! gave me a good week of constant problems. never trying red again!!
I'm sitting here sipping some Rose - I too am one that alcohol doesn't really affect - not that I drink a lot....a glass or so with dinner.....

I'll sometimes get 'random' pains - but I have been dealing with this disease for so long that I can pretty much tell what is a 'symptomatic pain' and what is just something I ate/did something wrong pain.....

Pain can sometimes radiate too - keep that in mind - so you may actually have the pain starting in one area, but you feel it in another....kind of like chest pain radiating down the left arm....

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