Crohns active - Stricture?

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Jun 21, 2010
Hey All,
Again sorry for not visiting the site much lately I have been poorly for about month now. Anyways I had a colonscopy yesterday they had to stop half way through as they found a stricture, and couldn't get past this, they took a biospy so will go back in two weeks in the meantime I am on steriods and once I go back will need another colonscopy to see if any improvement then if not I am not sure what will happen. In all my crohns flares I have never suffered with a stricture so find it a bit scary as don't know really know what to expect and scared it will lead to me having surgery again.

I am feeling so awful and really really weak. To top it off the depression as sunk it always seems to kick in after I see my Gi and know what is going on.

If any of you have had experience with strictures please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks Jo xxx
Hi Jo,

I am currently in a flare with a stricture at the terminal ileum. Recent scope was unable to pass into small intestine. Followed up with a small bowel series to confirm inflammation. GI doc Rx'd Entocort (along with Apriso) as I have had problems with side effects from Pred.

I'm moving forward with confidence that the meds will work. If I end up in surgery, so be it, but I'm concentrating on healing, not worrying about the 'what ifs'.

Hang in there!
Hi Jo!

I was diagnosed with Crohn's and was suffering from a stricture (space was the size of a pea, maybe less), abscess, and fistulas. I was put on Entocort and antibiotics to help with inflammation and the infection, so I could get a colonoscopy.

They could not get into my small intestine due to the stricture, but saw enough evidence to confirm Crohn's and I was put on Humira soon after. I noticed quick improvements in my condition over the next month, but soon started having mini flares every weekend, it seemed. The last time it was horrendous and the second I threw up I knew I had to go to the hospital. I had a partial bowel obstruction.

They upped my Humira to every week shots and started me on 75 mg of Imuran about a week later. Ever since this combination, I haven't experienced any pains or flare-like symptoms. I'm supposed to get a colonoscopy within the next month or so, and I'm hopeful that the stricture is gone, since I've experienced no pain since April.

Just remember that strictures aren't always permanent. Some are because the inflammation has been going on for so long that scar tissue has formed. Other times, the stricture is tehre basically due to the inflammation not being controlled well enough. Once it is controlled, the stricture should lessen and perhaps even go away completely.

When I learned I had a stricture I was VERY strict with my diet. I went on a lo-res diet and stayed away from anything with skins or seeds, as well as nuts, popcorn and corn products, whole grains, and raw fruits and veggies. It was a very limited diet, but I am convinced it helped manage my symptoms while my medicine kicked in to help out. Now, I've been able to slowly add some fruits and veggies with skins and seeds and eat more wheat products. Again, I'm hopeful this means my medicine is helping my condition!

Anyway...I know everyone is different. But, I hope, at least, my story gives you something to hope for and not make you feel like surgery is inevitable. :)
I don't really have any advice for you. just wanted to wish you well and tell you that i hope you are feeling better soon.
Hi Jo

I'm a bit like Marisa! Strict with my diet after nearly rupturing! I didn't really know what strictures were, but I do now! I had no idea that these would nearly kill me! So to understand how they work,
I found this on a site for IBD, hope it helps, like it helped me.

An intestinal obstruction that is caused by a stricture can also lead to perforation of the bowel. The bowel must increase the strength of its contractions to push the intestinal contents through a narrowing in the bowel. The contracting segment of the intestine above the stricture, therefore, may experience an increased pressure.

This pressure sometimes weakens the bowel wall in that area, thereby causing the intestines to become abnormally wide (dilated). If the pressure becomes too high, the bowel wall may then rupture (perforate). This perforation can result in a severe infection of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis), abscesses (collections of infection and pus), and fistulas (tubular passageways originating from the bowel wall and connecting to other organs or the skin). Strictures of the small bowel also can lead to bacterial overgrowth, which is yet another intestinal complication of IBD.

If it's any consolation, I've been on Pred for nearly 9 months, finish next week, it's healed me well, and I'm ok, no pain, no D, no gas, no nothing! And hoping, no surgery!!
|Thanks for all the advice really is reassuring. I was still really drowsy when I spoke to my GI so was just a little confused and then looked on the net and get scared. Did you guys change your diet to low res? He mentioned when I go back about discussing diet. Now I am scared to eat incase it doesn't get through.

I just feel really weak still but I suppose that is crohns for you.

Thanks for the all the adive

Also 9 months of pred??? Jesus, that is a long time. I think the longest for me is 6 months and I just hate steriods so so so much. Everything about them. Only on 20mg to start with so not too bad xxx
Hiya Jo

Yes I use the low residue diet, it really works for me, it gives my bowels a little rest!
Another thing is, I don't eat red meat anymore, this has improved my symptoms, I only eat chicken or turkey, easily digested, no problem.
I was worried too, about things getting stuck, but it hasn't happened yet, not as long as I'm sensible!
Hang on in there hun
I agree with Joan. Also chew chew chew. I've bene able to eat some not so low fiber things, but I just make sure I chew it up really well and I've had no problems. I always kept Ensure stocked in my fridge too on the off chance I wasn't feeling able to eat solid foods. My husband's friend moved in with us 2 months ago until he could find a job and get a place of his own. Just recently I noticed all my Ensures were GONE. He apparently drank them all. He said he enjoyed them!! Hahaha. He better replenish my stock now! ;)

I also limit my red meat as well. We've replaced ground turkey for ground beef and you can't tell the difference at all.

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