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Unxmas: Hmm, you have a point, I am not sure how things go over there in the Uk since you have universal health care, and people are not charged for meds and such like they are here. I mean here in the States you practically have to be rich anymore to afford meds and medical tests. That or you have to have very good insurance( which is also becoming a thing of the past). Insurance companies are denying payment for more and more it seems these days. I mean I cannot speak for the health care system over there, but over here it is as corrupt as it comes. Almost like the opposite of over there. Where your doctors are trained not to push expensive tests and meds, here they will fall down backwards pushing these things on people( whether it is needed or not). They also charge a ton for them as well. I mean I find it outrageous that they can charge over $6000 for an MRI. Also they can charge $6000 for ONE humira infusion. Who the hell could afford that for very long? And insurance will not pay forever. Here is the thing, most people here, even ones with the best insurance have a 1 million dollar life coverage. Meaning if your bills go over the 1 million dollar mark, they no longer cover you. This is why some( very few) doctors here are starting to be hesitant about pushing tests and such. But I will say, this is a very small number of doctors. My gastro is one who does not push tests. Also my husband just saw a doctor ( endocrinologist) and he was appalled that our family doctor had my husband go through a bone density scan at his age ( he is 34). It is not like my husband had any issues. Well unfortunately the bone density scan our doctor did showed that my husband had full blown osteopenia in his hips! This is what brought us to the endocrinologist. Well he said first off, the doctor NEVER should have even did a bone density on him. He said they do not have many reliable trials or research to compare that of a healthy young guys bones since they do not normally do bone density scans on males his age. Well due to this test showing he has such bad osteoporosis, the doctor had to redo this bone density but on a machine that was correctly calibrated to my husbands age. Well it turned out he did NOT have osteoporosis at all. It showed some slight osteopenia, but the endo doc said this was likely in the normal range to guys his age. My whole point was that this doc said this is what happens when tests are done unnecessarily. He said it costs so much money and not to mention worry and stress, and you get false results some times.
But I seriously think if the medical researchers wanted to really find a cure for these diseases, they could. Think about it, when polio first was going around and people were getting it they sat on it, did nothing. But then President Roosevelt got it himself, then the medical researchers were all over that crap! In fact they developed a vaccine shortly afterwards to prevent it! Sadly, it was too late for President Roosevelt, but look how fast they came up with that vaccine! Believe me, if the president had not come down with polio, they would not have came up with a vaccine that quick. I can guarantee you if someone Big, like the president came down with Crohns or one his kids or family members, they would be all over finding a cause and a cure! There would be tons of money put into researching for a cause and a cure. Some say they even have a cure for AIDS now, but they are not letting it out to everyone. Even cancer. Think about it, they do not want to put out cures. If they did, all the hospitals and Big pharma would go out of business. Even over there in the UK I am sure.
I mean I could be way off here, but with how everything is going and all the corruption out there, nothing would surprise me. Even when my own mom was dying of cancer, I mean they told her she had 4th stage cancer. In other words, she was dying. The doctor there however did not tell us she had fourth stage until AFTER they had her go through many many expensive tests. After all that money and all those tests the doctor says to us " well, we could not really find it, but it did not really make too much difference because it is terminal anyhow. I cannot tell you how upset we all were and disgusted. The doctor even argued with my mom saying she HAD to get Chemo started right away! My mom said No, The Doctor told my mom she had to, that it would prolong her life possibly by 6 to 9 months!!!! Yeah, 9 months of complete agony and not to mention the $$$$ they would charge. My mom walked out while the doctor was still talking. I mean they did not want to take no for an answer. IT was ALL about the money, I mean anyone could see that. I guess after that and after seeing all I have been through with doctors and stuff, it kind of opens your eyes to things. At least over here. I mean I will say that at least over there in the UK they have it right by having free health care. It should be free everywhere really. That will NEVER happen here. To much big Greedy Cooperates here.
so how is your mom now? and how long ago was that? did she die 6-9 months later? or within that month?
i would agree with the doctors that some intervention to affect the disease progress was needed at that time, but i wonder if dietary and other improvements might just as well be enough? instead of the drugs or radiation.