Crohn's and adrenal problems

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Hi - I have had Crohn's for 35 yrs, and also breast cancer for 4 yrs. I am doing self administered weekly injections of methotrexate, and am doing fine. Last consult with my gastro 2 weeks ago, he has ordered some new blood tests besides the usual renal, liver, bone and WBC. I am having them tomorrow. Couldn't decipher his handwriting so asked a neighbour who is a phlebotomist to look the pathology request over. Seems that they are: random cortisol, haematocrit and LIT. She suggests I may have an adrenal problem although she doesn't know what LIT stands for. Gastro didn't explain why these new tests and I am concerned. He has also ordered a DEXA bone density scan which I will also have tomorrow. I take Arimidex to prevent bc recurrence, and know this does not protect the bones like the older drug Tamoxifen. Recently dx via a bone scan (through bc surgeon) with osteoporosis and arthritis in hips, hands and feet. As I took prednisolone for some 30 yrs am concerned, as I suspect it has some effect on the adrenal glands.
Does anyone have any input, or been there?
Many thanks for listening and look forward to some helpful advice.
Hi Liz and :welcome: and welcome to the forum!
Sorry I don't have an answer for you
but someone else here may...
Again, welcome!:)
Welcome Liz, The way I understand it, prednisone takes over producing cortisol for your adrenal glands. When taken for long periods of time it can stop your adrenal glands for working properly & they won`t produce enough cortisol anymore. I am not sure what they do about it but I am pretty sure there is a med you can take to balance things out (if this happens to be happening with you). Good Luck to You~ :)