Crohn's and antibiotic side effects

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Nov 12, 2016
Hi everybody! :) First time poster, newly diagnosed with Crohn's and Ankylosing Spondylitis. What a wild ride. Anyway,

I've had this chronic sinus infection that I just can't seem to get rid of. I got a shot of rocephin in the beginning of October (I think) and it didn't completely knock out the infection because I went back, still feeling all the same sinus issues, and had to get on Bactrim 40 mg twice a day for 10 days now. I have a low wbc so this may also be why.

But anyway I really need to get rid of this infection because I'm going to be starting Humira very soon-- I don't have an exact date yet I apologize-- and I feel like Bactrim isn't doing the job. It's making my stomach feel worse than it normally does which is saying a lot and I was wondering what antibiotics everyone else normally takes that may be less harsh but also effective? Does such an antibiotic exist? It's stressing me out a little haha. If not, is there anything I can do to lessen the effects from it? Bactrim is causing so much bloating and cramping it's awful.

Also can I start taking Humira if I'm currently treating an infection or do you have to wait until an infection is gone?
Welcome. I believe you have to wait until the infection is over with before you start the Humira. Also, you might want to try a probiotic to counter what you are feeling from the antibiotic. Hope you feel better soon.
Bactrium is very hard on normal guts I can't take it at all
You might ask for a different abx
Tagging maya142
My daughter had an awful time with Bactrim - nausea, diarrhea etc. I would let your doctor know and ask for a different antibiotic. Unfortunately, what works for one person might not work for another, so it's best to ask your doctor.

I would also ask about starting Humira with an infection - it might be ok if you are on antibiotics but it really depends on the infection and the situation. I would consult both your GP and whoever is prescribing the Humira (GI? Rheumatologist?). They may want you to wait till you are off antibiotics and feeling better.

Good luck!
ronroush7 said:
Welcome. I believe you have to wait until the infection is over with before you start the Humira. Also, you might want to try a probiotic to counter what you are feeling from the antibiotic. Hope you feel better soon
Thank you! Well darn, I really need to get this infection under control soon. Thank you for telling me. I'll look into finding a good probiotic, that's a great idea. I try to eat yogurt everyday-- but I don't know if that's been helping at all.
my little penguine said:
Bactrium is very hard on normal guts I can't take it at all
You might ask for a different abx
It really is very rough! I'm sorry you've also had a bad experience with it. This is really a learning lesson for me. I'll need to call on Monday and ask for something else...
Maya142 said:
My daughter had an awful time with Bactrim - nausea, diarrhea etc. I would let your doctor know and ask for a different antibiotic. Unfortunately, what works for one person might not work for another, so it's best to ask your doctor.
I would also ask about starting Humira with an infection - it might be ok if you are on antibiotics but it really depends on the infection and the situation. I would consult both your GP and whoever is prescribing the Humira (GI? Rheumatologist?). They may want you to wait till you are off antibiotics and feeling better.

Good luck
I'm sorry about your daughter's time with it too! Ugh, it's awful. That's how it's doing with me too. Yes I'll need to ask about what other options I have... I could maybe deal with the side effects if I felt like it was helping the infection, but I'm not noticing anything. My rheum is the one who put me on Humira so I'll consult her on it. :) I'm so anxious to start Humira soon, just gotta take care of this first. Thank you very much for all the advice!

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