Crohns and Horseback Riding

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Oct 11, 2008
So as we all know, sometimes crohns has a way of screwing up your life in terms of recreational activities and all.

Past several months now, I've had a bitch of a time learning the lope on my horse, because well, all that jostling in the saddle and it gets painfull after awhile. Walking & Trot is normally ok, but after trying to lope, it hurts even to walk or trot.

So anyhow, today I was getting a few pointers from my trainer again, and finally had to quit after 20 minutes and she is totally clueless about Crohns and asked me to try and describe what I'm feeling.

My explanation is exactly how I feel and it made her cringe and totally understand.

"Imagine shoving a lightbulb in your ass and it breaks into 1000 pieces of glass."

She was sorry she asked, but said at least she understands why I wont do an hour lesson ><
I know what you mean. When I was getting bad fissures I would describe it as a knife being shoved up my ass and then twisted several times.
Wiles said:

Are there any saddles out there that absorb impact better?

Dr. Scholls, anyone? Not only a better tush cushion, it might absorb farts too.
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I switched from horse back riding to driving my horses. It feels safer for me. I worry about braking bones becasue they are frail now. I wear a helmet and go pretty fast. Its still fin.

Keeps me loving my horses without worring not riding enough.
Oh my gosh..I just posted above before reading any of the other posts and wrote about my friend who is a riding teacher...she has such severe sypmtoms when she rides that she is at the point of giving up riding forever but it is her would surely kill her!

Her docs say they have never heard of bouncing in the saddle making sypmtoms worse...but even to someone like me who know NOTHING about Crohns it makes perfect sense!

I wish I could help her but feel there is not much I can do....
Two things:

one, have you tried staying in two-point (half-seat position) while you lope/canter and trot/jog?

two, seat savers!

Sometimes I think these are made just for people with IBD. I'm guessing you ride in a western saddle, right?

Anyway, see if you can get one. LOTS of companies make them. They have gel and fleece ones even. At least try it. I used to ride in a dressage saddle with one and it was so much better.

I mean yeah, you can't really stop the jostling of a horse's movements, but try and make it better for yourself so you can ride more. It'll at least have some shock absorption. :)®-seat-saver/p/X1-1910/#ProductTabs

There are tons. Look into them a little bit.
I mean yeah, you can't really stop the jostling of a horse's movements, but try and make it better for yourself so you can ride more.

Sure you can! :ybiggrin: ride a Paso Fino!!!