Crohns and major nausea

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Mar 17, 2016
Hello from a newbie. My teenaged son has crohns. He seems to not have typical symptoms lately, but is plagued by debilitating nausea. Anyone else experienced this? He is on humira and we are also seeing a naturopathic doc.
I have no experience with biologics (yet) but extreme nausea is pretty standard for me. It comes and goes for myself. Sometimes it comes on strong and lasts for a week or two and sometimes it's just for one day then a few good days then back again. Is he vomiting at all?
Might want to try parents forum

Crohns can cause nausea but so can a lot of other things
Ds has Gastroparesis associated with crohns
Basically his duodendum was inflamed for too long and now it doesn't work as well as it should so he gets nauesous very easily and has a hard time eating solid food

Tagging maya142

My daughter also has had a lot of issues with nausea. In her case, we kept blaming the Crohn's - inflammation in her stomach. Eventually, we did an endoscopy which showed only mild inflammation, so then her GI ordered a gastric emptying test.

The gastric emptying test showed delayed gastric emptying - and she was diagnosed with gastroparesis. It is a fairly easy test - your child has to eat a small meal - usually eggs and toast - that is mixed with a small amount of radioactive tracer. Then they take pictures over four hours to see how it empties out of the stomach.

If there is more than 10% of the meal left in the stomach after 4 hours, then you have a dx of gastroparesis.

In her case, she has been on medications to speed up motility and we have had to change her diet. Fat and fiber are hard to digest so she avoids those. Liquids are also easier to digest than solids.

It is definitely worth asking about - I wish I had asked much earlier to do this test. In my daughter's case, her GI believes her Gastroparesis is independent of her Crohn's but of course, we can't be sure.

Good luck!
I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. My son hasn't really had major issues with nausea since before dx.

I would agree with those above that if testing shows his inflammation is under control then maybe look into a gastric emptying test.
When was the last time his inflammation was checked? Bloods? Fecal testing? Scopes?

If the GI is sure the Crohn's is under control I would be looking at GP as well.

Some other causes:

Many people with IBD also have IBS

Lots of things it could be.

BTW - my younger daughter gets nauseous when her Crohn's is very active.
Despite the stigma, if you're in a legal state, I would suggest looking into medical marijuana. Not only can it help with the nausea, but also with the Crohn's.