Crohns and night sweats

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Apr 25, 2012
Can anyone help answer this question.
On my last few visits to the gastroenterologist, he has asked if me if I suffer from night sweats. When he first mentioned it, I thought i could be going through early menopause, but blood tests say I'm not.
I have been having these night sweats for a while now on and off, and wondered how they were relevant to the Crohns.
Had a really bad night with them last night, and thought someone could help. Hope so,
When there is a lot of inflammation going, it is common to experience the night sweats. It differs for everyone but it is usually coming with the mild fever too. As far as help goes... I don't have that many ideas to deal with them... sometimes I sleep on some towels that I can just kick out of the bed when they get too humid... it helps a bit.
I'm on board with Jane - when I flare, I tend to get night sweats, and along with that a low grade fever (99).
When my Crohn's is active, I definitely get night sweats. I used to assume I was getting small colds, but it would be gone the next day. When they occurred, I would need to actually put a towel underneath me.
:ytongue: Yup, I'm on board with the rest of them. When I was flaring--I would freeze during the day from just the sickness of it--but I had horrible night sweats. Sometimes night sweats would be my first symptom--and I knew a flare was right around the corner. Hang tuf! Snap:rosette1:
Is this why I am always so cold?? I freeze at work. No one else does.

The amount to learn about Crohns and its treatmemts is overwhelming!!

This is very interesting! I have been having horrible night sweats lately but had just wrote it off as an effect from the Prednisone...
i was just diagnosed in Oct 2011 before that i would get night sweats alot i would wake up soaked... i would have to change the sheets and my clothes i thought i just had a nightmare or something and didnt think anything of it but now i know it was crohns:thumbdown:
I usually wake up with partially wet hair, I get a mild fever with vague flu like symptoms at night which usually clears up by morning. Sometimes during the day I shake and cold sweat and freeze though the weather is fine :). It's just Crohn's. The towel tip is really good, I will try that :)

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