Crohns Anonymous

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Hello Greg, my name is Shantel and I have Crohn's disease as well. I am sorry that we share this in common......
Hello Greg, and Shantel, my name is Pen, and I am trying not to bawl my eyes out right now... too late.
hi Greg, Shantel, Pen and Claire....

and i believe i am actually gonna say this..... name is Yvonne and i am a steroidaholic...

there...first step taken...phew, that feels better :applause:
*Soup stands up with head bowed*

Hello my name is Jan. I am the Ele mental Leprechaun. I have shares in andrex moist wipes!
Hello everyone. I'm Michelle and I have Crohn's too.

I wanted to come here today to confess that I'm having an affair with my bed AND my toilet. I'm worried that one day one of them is going to find out about the other. It's so hard to split my time between them both....
Hi, everyone. My name is Marissa and signs are now pointing to me NOT being a Crohnie afterall. I'm hoping it's true.

I am still having problems when I eat certain things (read: fruits and vegetables; fattening things as well, but I know that part is because of the GB removal).

I'm grateful every day to have made such amazing friends here.
Pirate said:
Thanks for the info, Misty, now I can blackmail you. Which one will be the most jealous? lol

Damn! That's the last time I go to Crohns Anonymous!

Well the toilet because sometimes I only visit him when I have to! He's like a drug though.. I just can't stay away! Plus he provides so much relief. On the other hand my bed just makes me feel soooo good, you know? I always feel relaxed and warm with him till I get those urges to see toilet again! Oh what a dilemma!
Hi everybody, my name is Sharon and I have damned Crohn's, as well as some other issues, and life is a bit pants at the moment!!!
Hi everyone, my name is Anne and I'm not quite to the point yet where I can admit (mainly to myself) that it's looking like I have Crohn's.
shawne said:
Hi everyone .. My name is Shawn and I shoot up every 4 weeks. Just can't get off the Cimzia.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step buddy. My drug of choice is Remicade....I'd buy it on a street corner if I couldn't get it at a clinic!!
Hello Everyone! My name is Brenda and I carry spare undies in my purse! Came in very handy today!
kayaker4157 said:
Hi everyone, my name is Anne and I'm not quite to the point yet where I can admit (mainly to myself) that it's looking like I have Crohn's.

We've all been there and that's the reason I started this thread. I thought maybe it would help some of you newly diagnosed members come to grips a little with CD.

Welcome Anne.
Hello everyone, my name is Kevin and I have Crohn's Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Clinical Depression, and I buy TP in bulk.
Hello all, my name is Ryne and i have Crohns, clinical depression and some extra's.
Gurgle, TP is a must, When I do Go by Car I DRIVE!
The Next stop is not soon enough.
I really like this Thread, Thanks all for Sharing..........
:applause: bravo....i'l join you.....

ooh...nope..actually i will sit down after all, where are the toilets in this damn place..............................
Peaches said:
Admitting you have a problem is the first step buddy. My drug of choice is Remicade....I'd buy it on a street corner if I couldn't get it at a clinic!!

Remi? I heard that was one of those social drugs. I need my privacy when I shoot up. You know you it "bottom" when you're using your 5yo daughters Disney Princess flushable wipes because it hurts so bad.
Psst.....I've got a good deal on some black market Calmoseptine if anyone is interested? :Opens trench coat and dispays a huge variety of sizes:
imisspopcorn said:
Psst.....I've got a good deal on some black market Calmoseptine if anyone is interested? :Opens trench coat and dispays a huge variety of sizes:

Give me the calmo and nobody gets hurt!!!
Pirate--I needed to read this post. I wish we could all group hug! :) I'm feelin sorry for me--my BUTT IS ON FIRE!!!!! HELP!!! Okay, there I said name is Sue... ((((HUG)))).....(Wish you all could hear me scream!))))
Sorry Sue...Have you tried Calmoseptine? Are you in the US? You should be able to get it if you are. It works great for Butt fires!
I so badly want some calmoseptine... It sounds amazing!!!

Group hug so I can fart in a crowd and pass it off on someone else...
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Okay, can we get tonight's meeting to order.

Tonight's discussion is PROPER TOILET ETTIQUETTE.

Lishy, can you explain the proper way to enter a public restroom? names Razz and I have last poop was..just then...excuse me. :tongue:
Love your pic Gurgle! lol

Hi, Greg. My name is Lisa and I have Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. Word of advice: DO NOT take a laxative and a sleep aid at the same time.

I also am in my bathroom. Actually, if you must know, just laying on the heated floor since it feels so good on my tummy.
Where can I get calmoseptine? I'm in Michigan. Anyway, my tag-or hemroid and I (enflamed and all) are waving hi to all the other Crohnies!!! :) OUUCHHH!!!! Hello!!! Me sore ole me--Sue

BTW--That whif you are getting right now...Is Desitin, yea! Slathered my tookis in it....
Just blame my dogs like I do!
Hi everyone, my name is Jo and I have Crohns, adrenal insufficiency and a big smile on my face because y'all make me giggle.
LOL! I've just finally started up using Photobucket and decided to change my pic as this one really looks more like me than that other one that was all posed and stuff. See, I look different in colour don't I? I bet everyone thought I was black and white!!!
Lisa said:
Love your pic Gurgle! lol

Hi, Greg. My name is Lisa and I have Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. Word of advice: DO NOT take a laxative and a sleep aid at the same time.

I also am in my bathroom. Actually, if you must know, just laying on the heated floor since it feels so good on my tummy.

Thanks Lisa... I only wish I could find a roll of TP that big !
Also...LOVE your pups. They are beautiful. What is their breed ?
I blame my gas on my little guy too.... Java can let em rip with the best !


  • JavaBean.jpg
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Hi Everyone
My name is Ashley and I am an IV drug user every 6 weeks... oh, and I have Crohn's
My name is Joan and I am a Crohnie!
I'm also a junkie and rattling with pills
I also overeat and think I'm gonna blow up!
Hi - My name is Amy, and having found this forum makes it much easier to admit that I have Crohn's Disease.

Wow. After 8 months it's still hard to make those words come out of my mouth.

(Unfortunately, the poop comes out my arse much too easily!)
Hi everyone my name is Jeannette, I have Crohn's colitis, enteropathic arthritis and a never give up/never surrender attitude-most of the time!
Hello everyone my name is Nicole and I have Crohn's....whew feels good to get that off my chest :) Now if I could just get it outa my intestines all would be good!!
Erazer said:
Welcome to CA Nicole !

Did u lose your appetite while on Imuran?? I think I will have to join Anorexics Anonymous soon.........coz I lost my appetite when I started taking it!

No I sure didn't, but I was also on Pred at the same time. I"ll be joining Anorexics Anonymous soon too if I don't get my appetite back and gain some weight! I'm back down to 100lbs again!!!
Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina and I have Crohn's. I was late to this meeting because I suddenly bloated up like a ballon and had to go change into my fat pants.
Hi Erazer! I have more "fat pants" than normal ones (!), but my favorite pair are blue lounge pants with a v-e-r-y loose elastic waist. My bloated tummy loves them.

I'll check out that thread - thanks!
I'm 5 foot 4...shorty too LOL Not a whole lot left to me! I look in the mirror and think I look like a crack head...maybe I should join their meetings :p
Lishyloo said:
I so badly want some calmoseptine... It sounds amazing!!!

Group hug so I can fart in a crowd and pass it off on someone else...

Lishy I love your sense of humor, you are wonderful! Since you have an appreciation for fart humor, I was wondering if you ever "fluffed" before leaving and elevator and then went to the floor they were getting out just to see them gagging!!!!
Last time I had a major Weight loss I pulled out a box of Pants.
They were 29-30 waist and all American Made.
Still hanging onto them incase!
My name is Mike and I have a pooping disorder. Some call it Crohn's I call it a pain in the butt, stomach, gut ...wherever. It just hurts.
Hi, my name is Vinny. I still have crohns. I'm still tired. I still poop all day. I'm still in pain. I still take pills. I still have side affects. I still cry.
Hi Vinny, welcome to the club. We all cry still from time to time. You oughta see what a 51 year old man looks like slobbering his eyeballs out. Its not a pretty site. Almost worse than seeing a 51 year old man pooping his pants. Not saying I've done that before, just saying if it were to happen it would be a ugly sight.

(Do you guys think he believes I really did that or did I fool him?)
Hello my friends. My name is John and I have crohn's disease. I was diagnosed in 1973. I was 7 and thought God was punishing me for some reason. I have struggled with my health and faith ever since.
Lisa said:
Just blame my dogs like I do

I have a bullmastiff too.... I try to blame it on him, but my hubby is on to me now. :lol:

BTW, laughing hurts, but this thread has definitely been worth the pain!!:ylol2:
Hi my name is Mike and I have Crohn's.

I am an habitual pooper. Yes, I love my toilet.

Being a plumber, I installed a Toto Washlet it makes pooping fun!

I really installed the Washlet seat, but I lied about the fun pooping.:(

Oh yeah, I take 60 pills a day so at least I am always hydrated:)
Justicexhaze said:
Hello my friends. My name is John and I have crohn's disease. I was diagnosed in 1973. I was 7 and thought God was punishing me for some reason. I have struggled with my health and faith ever since.

Oh, Justice, this makes me so sad to think of you as a little kid thinking that you were being punished.

I hope you find some comfort and good support here on the forum from your new friends.

Hugs - Amy
Aw John
me too hunny
we can talk as much as we want on here, you can vent away!
sending some faith to you, hope you catch it!
Hi my name is Lydia and I am flaring. I admit it. I am not just sensitive to something I ate. I dont have any more time to figure this out. I *need* meds. There I said it, I NEED MEDS!
Hi, my name is Sarah and damn it, I AM A CROHNIE! I'd stand up longer but, I have to run to the toilet now. Lol!
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm a Crohns-aholic. It's been 11 years since my last flare.
Hello, my name is Silver (but you can call my Sil for short), and I am addicted to surgery. *Sil bows her head in shame*

Hello my friends. My name is John and I have crohn's disease. I was diagnosed in 1973. I was 7 and thought God was punishing me for some reason. I have struggled with my health and faith ever since.

Wow, John, I can totally empathize, as I was diagnosed in '85-'86 at the age of 11, and absolutely HATED god for what he was doing to me (I was raised in a Roman Catholic family). I have since found a different "spirituality" (if you want to call it that - long, which helps me cope day to day, but yes, still struggle with Crohn's and Crohn's effects almost every day of my life.... Thank goodness for so much good info and so many caring people on this site... if you ever get a chance to read through ALL of it, I think you will find some comfort here. :)

Best wishes. :)

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