Crohns dad protocol- Where can I find it?

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May 12, 2012
does anyone know where I can find the supplements, dosages, name brands of supplements he recommended? There is a local natural m.d. who has my son on a supplement regimen but it is super expensive and I want to be sure he's taking the right things. He's not taking ldn, boswellia, curcumin which crohnsdad had recommended. And he's taking a ton of other things. I saw where crohnsdad has given an l glutamine that's not expensive. the one we use is metagenics.

anyone who's familiar with his protocol, I'd love to get the information. I'm trying to read thru his site, but if I could just get a list it would be so much easier. Also, if anyone knows who I could get to take a look at what my son's taking to see if there's anything different we need to be doing or some that are not necessary, it would be greatly appreciated. Trying to find the best supplements that won't drain the bank and at the same time make him well quicker. Thanks in advance
I just recently came across his website, and I am also wondering if anyone can provide a list of all the supplements and their doses that he recommends?

No where on the website was able to find a list like that. Its all very scientific, a lot of research type stuff.

If anyone used to follow him and has any info, that would be helpful.

Man every time I read his blog I cry. His daughter Laura's post on her dad's passing is so tear jerking. I do hope Laura is doing well, and I am glad the information is still accessible.