
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 9, 2012
Hi everyone,

I am a 29 year old male and it appears that I have Crohn's from test that I have had. I am currently taking Pentasa 3x per day which does seem to help especially the stomach pains which I assume are from the inflammation. I have nearly everyday vomiting which occurs in the morning right after waking up. I am taking two medications just for the nausea/vomiting. The nausea is nearly constant...all day everyday. Vomiting in the morning takes so much out of me that I am left with no energy the rest of the day. I am also taking a medication that helps to improve appetite because I have lost so much weight. My doctor was afraid because I lost so much weight and it wouldn't stop. The medication does help with my appetite and holding my weight pretty constant. When I am going through a flare I lose so much weight sometimes 20 pounds a week and there is nothing I can do. No appetite and vomiting is really bad for weight.

I am feeling so exhausted all the time. Absolutely no energy whatsoever. All I want to do is sleep. I have been going through depression. I just feel sad all the time. Many nights I just cry...sometimes for no reason at all. I am so tired of being sick.

People don't really seem to understand how I am feeling or why I feel depressed. They tell me it is in my head and to get over it and stop feeling sorry for myself.

I don't know how to get out of this. Please someone help! This depression is getting worse and I don't know what to do. My friends don't seem to understand. I have a hard time going places or going out to eat because of my symptoms and fear of getting sick/throwing up. I am at a loss for what to do.

Hey. It's NOT in your head. What your feeling is very real and something many of us here have experienced. Can you get a refferal to a psychiatrist? Crohns and depression tend to go hand in hand. Counceling and medication have done me a world of good. Unfortunately I suffered for years before seeking help.
Welcome to the forum.

This isnt in your head and youre not alone. Many people with crohns and other chronic illnesses experience depression. Its hard to be in a position where you always feel rotten and where you cant go about life in the way youd like to. It would get to anyone and its not your fault, you dont deserve this and you didnt ask for it so dont let other people make you feel bad for it.

A good option for you could be to see a doctor that you trust and tell them how youve been feeling. They can give you a referal for someone to talk to and maybe perscribe some medication to help you.

Your friends should be supporting you and looking out for you. It is hard for some people to understand what these conditions are really like, especially since some sufferers can look really healthy when actually theyre really sick.

You arent in this alone. Everyone here understands and we will all do the best we can to support you and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you both. I have talked to my primary doctor about how I have been feeling and have talked with a professional a few times. I have a call into my primary doctor about some medication for depression. I realize how I am feeling and want to not feel this way anymore. I am afraid to take those meds for long though. It is good to know that their are others out there and that I have support. This is really tough to deal with. I am starting to not want to talk to people and go places. All I want to do is sleep.

My friends think I am just feeling sorry for myself. I don't feel this way at all. I wish I could just "snap out of it" but I can't. It really hurts when friends that I really consider to be family make comments like this.

Its good that you have asked for help, sometimes thats the hardest thing to do. Its understandable that you dont want to be on the meds for long, but sometimes they are just needed to help you through a rough patch.

We know its not as easy as 'snapping out of it' and your friends should be more considerate. I hope their attitude changes soon
Thank you. I have recently joined a gym. Hoping some exercise will help with how I am feeling. Trying to exercise and not lose weight is a challenge. When I am not feeling good I don't go. I am trying to go a few times per week.
