Crohn's Disease and excessive thirst

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Jun 20, 2010
I'm so thirsty all the time even though I drink water or Gatorade all the time does anyone else get this?.....I probably drink 1 1/2 - 2 gallons a day but I'm still thirsty
I get this for a day or two every week. I must be horrible to get it constantly though.
Yea I get episodes of this all the time
I can down a 2litre bottle of water in under 2mins an still be thirsty
I swear it's this bloody pred
I'm also not on predicted for some reason my doc wont start me on anything yet....he is waiting for a full diagnosis.........
Minnesota isnt that far from me and it has been pretty hot, but NOT dry. Summer heat can draw alot out of you. If you have a lot of diahreah that will dehydrate you. You dont have to necessarily have Crohns to have diabetes. But if it continues I would get it checked out ok.

When do you know about getting a full dx?
I tend to dehydrate easily as well, and I've found that eating a little bit of salt along with drinking a lot of water/gatorade really helps. I'll just have a handful of potato chips, or if I'm doing really bad and feeling like my blood pressure is getting low, I'll have a teaspoon or two of soy sauce. It sound weird but it's really high in sodium and it helps me feel better really quickly.
Well I go in for a colonoscopy on Tuesday and we are waiting on results of a pill Can so hopefully when I get both of those results back I should hopefully be diagnosed.......I'm not Sagittarius you have to had diabetes if you have crohns it just seems there are a lot o people that had crohns that are also diabetic
I'm a diabetic so is mum and nana. I also have chron's but I seem to collect things like this. Yes to thirsty if things are not managed.
I was very thirsty while on prednisone. I also got thirsty when I was bleeding a lot and had diarrhea...........Lynne
Hi! I am the same way-I dehydrate really easily. After an episode in the ER the doctor told me for every 2 glasses of water to drink 1 bottle of Powerade Zero. It's got other electrolytes besides sodium, which is all Gatorade basically is.

I get dehydrated because Crohn's has attacked my kidneys and causes me to lose all the good electrolytes and potassium. I also have dryness in general-eyes, mouth, um other places too:blush:. It's also connected to Crohn's.
I was going to say if you have an ileostomy then that could be why.But it looks like you don't from what I understand.Summer is a killer time for me.I have to drink 2 gallons of water everyday.Doctor's orders because I have only 6-8ft of small intestine left.I really hate when its so hot.I swell up like a big balloon is what my husband says.I can't even wear my wedding bands the entire summer on my finger.As a matter of fact I had to get new set because last summer the swelling didn't really go down.I wore a size 4 and they didn't want to risk moving it up.So now I am a size 8 1/4.Big difference there!LOL
yeah-I drink ALOT too-hey Cat-a-tonic I eat alot of kosher pickles tastes good and gives you salt. You know where there is salt there is fluids. Bad lge intestine creates the dehydration and excessive thirst-only the lge. intest. allows water to pass thru into the body.
Wish me luck

:thumright: Going to specialist today to see if Im gaining weight so I can have this d-mn second bag reversed Please wish me luck
I get dehydrated because Crohn's has attacked my kidneys and causes me to lose all the good electrolytes and potassium. I also have dryness in general-eyes, mouth, um other places too:blush:. It's also connected to Crohn's.

Could be Sjogren's, another lovely autoimmune issue. I have dry eyes (I use Restasis for that), dry mouth (Salagen for that) and KY for the "other". Also have dryish skin, lips and hair. And have a glass of water next to me all day and night.
When i had that I found having water with glucose powder, salt (use unrefined salt), citric acid, and bicarb worked; google home-made electrolytes for amounts. I vaguely remember reading water is absorbed in parts of the gut by osmosis, ie. only along with other stuff.
oh and black tea with glucose powder all day too - the tea has potassium and you need a balance of sodium (salt) and potassium to be hydrated.

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Could be Sjogren's, another lovely autoimmune issue. I have dry eyes (I use Restasis for that), dry mouth (Salagen for that) and KY for the "other". Also have dryish skin, lips and hair. And have a glass of water next to me all day and night.

Interesting-I'll definitely have the GI check for that-yay just what we need-ANOTHER autoimmune problem! :ybatty:
I'm so thirsty all the time even though I drink water or Gatorade all the time does anyone else get this?.....I probably drink 1 1/2 - 2 gallons a day but I'm still thirsty

Yeah, I get like that sometimes too. When I'm flaring I drink about that much in Powerade or Garorade too. I love the purple, blue and red Powerade, haha.