Crohn's Disease and sore ribs

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Nov 28, 2009
My name is Mary and I was just diagnosed with Crohns through a colonoscopy. I am currently waiting results from a pill cam I took 2 weeks ago. I have alot of strange symptoms I wanted to ask you all about. I apparently have most of my crohns on my right side but feel more pain and gurgling around my left. I know I have some crohns in the transverse colon also. Sometimes my ribs hurt. I only use the bathroom once a day. I have extreme health anxiety and any little pain will scare me. I am probably the worst person to get this. Do any of you get pain under the ribs. Also I started on AZA 100 mg and my dr didnt want to do blood work until a month after I was on it but I went in after 2 weeks, isnt a month to long?. I am a but anemic HGB 11.6. I also have annother question my recent b12 count was 217 which on my report 200-400 is borderline and 400-1100 is normal. Does anyone else have thees counts. I dont like my DR and am going to Rush Medical Center in Chicago where they have a whole team to help. I also have endometreosis. Has anyone and the pill cam and had to wait so long for the results and does it show the stomach?
Your hemoglobin level is pretty good, for a woman it should be 11-12. I would say you don't notice anemia symptoms till you hit the 9 or 10 range. And by the time you are in the 8s, you KNOW you're anemic. When I'm feeling decent I hover in the 10 range, when I'm starting to take a turn for the worse I'm in the 9s, and if I'm in a bad flare i start to hit the 8s.

I do think its a bit weird your doctor didn't start bloodwork on AZA till a month in. Everytime I've used it with two different doctors prescribing it even, its been every week for a month, then every other week for a month, and then every month from then on out. I'm currently taking 150mg of AZA.

Hope I helped a bit, welcome to the forum!
Welcome Mary, it's all a bit confusing isn;t it? Sometimes you need to push the doctors for information. This is a great place to find answers to questions and support from others who understand :)

Mary said:
My name is Mary and I was just diagnosed with Crohns
Hello Mary,
Welcome to the forum where you will find many helpful and knowledgable people
with Crohn's.
It is a shock to be told we have Crohn's and at first it is difficult to believe it.
However we are stuck with an unwelcome diagnosis and have to make the best of it.
You have had some excellent investigations but it sounds that the feedback to you is slow.You could use a caring GI specialist. It is good that you are going to a good centre for further investigation and follow up.
When there is intestinal inflammation it can speed up the internal movement of the intestines and thus you may experience gurgling and rumbling sounds as your body tries to adapt or get rid of whatever causes symptoms,which in our cases is the Crohn's problem.Even when normal, the intestines are constantly moving, as they should and this is known as peristaltic waves usually we are unaware of it until something upsets the balance.Different medications are used to reduce the inflammation and try to bring about a remission of the symptoms.
Once a remission is achieved it can last for any length of time, for some it can be weeks, months or even years. Opt for this last one! I have! and awaiting results.
Your B12 is a bit on the low side of normal and your docs may give you some B12 to bring it up a bit.It can also be a dietary deficiency but you will receive all the advice you need from the docs.
Once all your results are brought into perspective by the specialists and a course of action decided by them, and you are directed into recovery mode you will start to feel a bit better and able to take stock of things and make plans to be well again.
Hugs and cheers!
You guys are great

I cant stop crying about having Crohn's I am so scared of the future. I am a hypochondriac about everything I have been since my brother died 7 years ago of a brain tumor. I have severe anxiety issues that i think make this Crohn's worse. I know stress and anxiety don't cause Crohn's but sometimes I am not so sure. No one in my family has it besides my dad having IBS. I am scared of the Imuran, any surgery and the pain I feel. The only time I feel well right now is when I am sleeping. I feel all these aches and pains everywhere and dont know if it is crohns or my anxiety thank you for listening
Hi Mary, welcome! Sorry you are having anxiety issues, and I would think that everyone who gets diagnosed should see a counsellor of some sort to help you deal with your anxiety. Yes, it can irritate your gut to be in a state of panic, or worrying too much. You should of had blood work from day one so they have a report from your first medications to see what is working or not. I havent had a Pill cam, I have had ct scans and colonoscopies. I have had Crohns for many years and you get used to the condition because you learn to do what you can and what you cant. I can't stress this enough you need to calm down, I know it is hard but it also causes havoc with your meds working in your system. Try to eat right and sleep. Dont worry about your brother and I am sorry for your loss. IBS can be just as bad as crohns, diet really helps. Take care.
Yeah, you should have blood taken weekly for the first bit, there's no reason to wait a month, the metabolizing occurs when you first start so the rare issues can be present immediately, but the intended effect of Aza will take a month or two, I'm not sure what the Dr. was thinking by putting it off a month.

I had gone to Rush University too, I'm in the Northwest suburbs, so you probably aren't that far off from me, relatively. I had Dr. Ali Keshavarzian, if you get him, he's a great doctor, I had to switch because my insurance refused to cover Rush, and I was told for the first bit by a receptionist there I was covered. They were so nice they wrote off most of my outstanding bill earlier this year when I explained the situation and how bad it was. The nurse I had there, Courtney, was the best nurse I've ever had, I could email her and she'd get back to me within hours, or call and usually it was the same day. For me, that's rare.

I truly know what its like to get your emotions away from you....I had to get a script for xanax...It helps. Keep busy...keep busy...keep busy...If you have the energy, look for something to keep your mind off of it, (I should talk). I already went through a J pouch for loosing my colon to uc, now--Crohns! I am scared to, meds didn't work for my colitis...I am hoping Crohns responds better to the meds--Or its back to a bag for me! But, your not alone...these people have been there and done that...keep typing .... don't google to much like me:voodoo: And try to be busy...One worry wart to another....Peace, Sue
Hi and welcome Mary,

Taake a deep breath Mary and try to relax, i know its hard. . . . very hard.

My motto is......." this will take as long as it takes" ........and unfortuneately sometimes that is out of your control.

Hang in there Mary

Hey Mary,

I was diagnosed earlier this year with crohns (although I had some stomach issues before that.)

My flare was bad. It probably lasted about 3 months though and then without medication (it hadn't been diagnosed yet) it gradually came good.

I guess I want to say that, there are some awful cases of crohns about but there are also people like me, who can manage their symptoms together with the GI and lead a pretty normal life.

So deep breaths and take every day as it comes and definitely don't smoke. :)

This is a great forum for information. :)
I can totally relate at the moment Mary I was only diagnose in Sept and it has been a wirlwind experience so far! Im slowly getting there felt great for 8 weeks while on Pred and had started Imuran on the last 3 weeks of Pred but had to come off Imuran due to a reaction. See my GI on Wed thank god as Im struggling at the moment and feel like its never going to end! I know it will eventually get better and you do just have to stay positive otherwise the disease will take over.

Razz thanks for your post too it has given me hope that I will eventually get there too. I have been sick since Aug and it just seems to never stop at the moment but hopefully once I get onto the right drugs I too will be like you!

And you def do need an understanding and great GI as it make all the difference! :)
Hi Mary:

I am a worrier too, which is why I take Zoloft. I have had axiety issues all of my life. I would suggestion meditation and yoga as well for anxiety. I have lived with this disease for 10 years, so it is doable! Just stay positive.

Take care,
I agree with Sue's post there. DON'T GOOGLE crohn's. Even websites which my GI gave me to read on when I was diagnosed he said use these with extreme caution. You'll read some people's horror stories and read about people's Crohn's where they are affected in regions completely unrelated to yours. Everybody is different with Crohn's thus there is no cure yet. I'm not saying yours is not severe but I have relatively mild Crohn's which I still consider hell a lot of days but I will never need surgery which many sites say is regular among Crohn's patients. Just be careful what you read and make sure what your reading is trustworthy to start with. These things can really freak you out. I've read lots of stories about how Imuran hasn't worked for other people. But I have had some sucess already on it despite the nausea. So just be careful and I wish you all the best in getting better and remember everyone here is on here for help and support too so use us we will be here for you too.
Hi Mary and welcome! So many people have already said it, but I just want to say how important your emotional state is in conjunction with your Crohn's status. If you can get yourself to a place of feeling pretty calm about it - you will fair so much better. Many, many of us on here have been able to cope with the disease fairly well and have a relatively normal lifestyle. It is pretty important to feel comfortable with the doctor that is treating you. If you have confidence in them I think it can lead to you feeling more confident that your disease is being treated properly and allow the treatment process time to take hold and get your disease quiet. So, with that - sounds like getting a different doc or at least a second opinion might be good for your mind right now. I wish you luck - and please - let us know your progress and if you have any other questions. We are all here to help!!

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