Hi Musique, welcome to the forum. As the others have said, we all support each other here. When it feels like nobody understands what I'm going through, I can come on here and talk with many people who have been through the exact same things and can give advice or just listen to me vent. Please stick around, we'd love to get to know you and support you in any way we can.
As for how I personally get through the dark days, sometimes it isn't easy. I've been trying to be thankful for what I've got, rather than focusing on the negative. I have a wonderful husband, a nice home, a good job, great friends. Even on the really bad days, I can still be thankful for the small things like a purring cat on my lap, a lovely cup of hot tea, my favorite movies, the sun shining in through my window.
Bev mentioned that a lot of us take meds for anxiety and/or depression, and that may be something you should look into as well. In fact, I believe I once read that depression and anxiety are considered symptoms of IBD. So don't feel bad if you need to take something for depression, it is a legitimate symptom and not something you may be able to "fix" on your own. Good luck to you and please continue to let us know how you're doing.