Crohn's frustrations

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Oct 13, 2011
I was diagnosed in May of this year. I was put on a pred step-down immediately after leaving the hospital; long story. Now I am on Remicade and in remission, THANK GOD!!!! I initially lost 20 lbs when I was first treated, but am now up 40 lbs since then. I have cleaned up my diet, less red meats and no fried foods. Eat a salad daily and either fish or chicken. I exercise as much as possible. I have a weird work schedule and two very young children at home, so getting to the gym on a consistent basis is out of the question. My main thing is what else can i be doing to help shed the pounds? i know i need to start running/walking more, but is there some other dietary change i should be making? juicer? I'm just stumped and very frustrated.
A good juicer is expensive, but it was possibly one of the best investments my husband and I made recently. It helps a great deal.

I've heard that the Paleo Diet is a good one for losing weight and staying healthy. You can google it if you're interested.
I'm so glad to hear you are in remission! I hope it stays that way for a long, long time.

I would say buy a couple of hand weights at a weight that is challenging to you. Muscle growth increases your metabolic rate which will help you passively lose weight. Do some pushups/situps/etc. Chase your kids around the playground/park. Buy a jump rope. Be innovative! Find things that you can do in under a minute so that you don't have the excuse of "I don't have time." Drop to the floor and do some burpees. Don't worry if your family thinks you're mad.

As to the eating, I think we all know what foods we should be eating to lose weight. Or that we should just be eating less food. Hehe. Try things that are filling but low in calories. A lot of it is hard to eat for us Crohnies but it sounds like you are doing good in remission, so eat what you can tolerate.

Remember, it's more important to eat well and exercise than it is to be thin. When you have an autoimmune disease it's even more important to be as healthy as possible. Good luck in your efforts!
I'd recommend 'convict conditioning" by paul wade, for no hastle, no gym, no nonsense strength training
It is six basic exercises just using bodyweight, staged from remedial to superman.

Juice rocks: carrot, beetroot, spinach and parsley - sweet as
(that's kiwi for delicious)
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