Crohn's In family

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Nov 6, 2009
Which of your family members have crohn's disease? Apparently I'm the first person in my family to have crohn's disease. I wanted to know how many of you guys were the first to have it, too.
I have an aunt and female cousin from my fathers side with Crohn's....My aunt had surgery in 1971 and had a resection, at the time the doctors didn't have a diagnosis for her.
My mom has IBS, I believe her mom had IBS. My sis has an undetermined IBD, classics symptoms of Crohns though. And my dad says he 'thinks' someone on his side of the family had Crohns. But not too sure on that.

Mom and Grandma were diagnosed years ago, but then I got my diagnosis, then my sis.
My Grandpa had undiagnosed stomach problems, my mom does, and so does my sister.
I am the only one diagnosed with Crohn's. The doctors tell my mom she has IBS,
and my sister thinks she has Celiac. Who knows that my Grandpa had, as these
things didn't even have names back then, but I figure that is who I inherited it from,
he was part Jewish, and it seems to run more frequently in that decent.
No sign of anything in my family. My Dad has a touch of psoriasis (sp?) though, which is apparantly linked and his sister has it really bad. No poo issues though.
First in my family to be diagnosed. Dad had IBS later in life and my Grandmother had a colostomy and no one can explain to me exactly why that was. My Mother has also recently shared stories of having these horrible, painful sores around her butt that she had to have "removed" when she was in her 20's. Hubby said it sounds just like an abscess or fistula the way she describes it and she couldn't get it to go away until a doctor finally went in there an basically surgically removed it. Have NO idea what that was about - but he said it does sound IBD related. She has had no bowel issues since then and she is 72. Either way - obviously something gut related runs in my family. My twin has now been diagnosed with Crohn's as well.
I'm the first in my family with an actual Crohn's diagnosis. My mom and brother are both in denial about the stomach issues they have. I was misdiagnosed for 3 years with over 8 different illnesses by 6 different doctors from 1993-1995. My final misdiagnosis was appendicitis and they rushed me into emergency surgery to remove my appendix! They only realized I had Crohn's when they cut me open and saw it!

If you think that the doctors in the 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's had a clue, you're dreaming! I think that there were probably other family members who were never diagnosed...but there's no history of it.

It's definitely hereditary, and more prominent in Jews and people of Middle East and European decent.

Be well
I have no family members on either side with Crohn's. I'm the first. Maybe that confirms my theory that I'm not genetically related to my family. That would explain a lot. LOL
It is very prevalent in our family, I have Crohns, my older sister has Crohns and Colitis very severe, my older brother has Colitis, and my younger sister IBS and a brother who has problems but wont get checked out. My uncles one has IBS and the other died of intestinal cancer at 49. My Grandmother had Gastroenitis, and she had a great uncle who has Crohns. MY mother, has NOTHING, 74 and healthy for the most part. Go figure...
I'm not diagnosed, however my Gramma has Ulceritive colitis, my mom has Crohns, my dad has Celiac, my Grandpa had colon cancer, and my great Gramma had Diverticulitus.....Only two IBD's, but a huge prevalance for bowel probs
My Dad's cousin has Crohn's. That's pretty much the only one that we know of. It could have been that others had it in the past, but it really wasn't truly named and recorded until the 1930s, so there's no telling who else could've had it and died of "ill humors." There've been cases described with the same symptoms even as early as the 1700s, so, do with that what you will. It didn't just show up in the 1930s. My guess is that it's been around longer, just without a proper name.

My Dad has hiatal hernia and diverticulosis and my bro on Dad's side and sis have occasional stomach issues, so there's definitely some digestive things going on there.
My Mom has Celiac and my Aunt has Crohn's. Apparently there is a long list of stomach problems on my Mom's side of the family. I don't know about my Dad, I just remember that when I was a kid he had the nastiest farts that would knock you to the ground and singe your eyebrows.
I am the first official Crohn's diagnosis known about in my family, and I also have celiac disease, psoriasis, and a heart condition. My identical twin sis has MS, but she has also always had a funky tum and has never pursued investigations, although my GI said she should. My Maternal Great Grandmother died of bowel cancer, and we are all a bit suspicious that there was more going on.

And then there is my son Paddy, currently diagnosed with Ulcerative/Allergic Colitis - he was sick before me (from birth), although his GI says he is a bit of an unusual case - he bleeds A LOT, and personally I think he has Crohn's but they just haven't reached the diagnosis yet... his last colonoscopy showed nothing despite the fact that he was literally filling the toilet with blood up to it and throughout the prep - I mean - how can that be???? Interestingly we often flare at the same time.... which is actually neither interesting nor fun when we only have one loo at home!

Lishyloo x
My mom and grandma have IBS, my cousin has Crohn's. My great-grandma had stomach issues and they never did diagnose her with Crohn's. My grandma thinks it was Crohn's though. My mom's side of the family has really had a lot of stomach issues. So it wasn't a huge surprise. (Ok, yeah it was)
I have crohn's and my mom has UC, I'm the youngest of 6 kids...sor far no other siblings have IBD, oldest sister ha IBS (I too have IBS which I developed well after crohn's).

My mother has Schleraderma, which is an auto-immune disease, and that was the first connection that my doctor made in thinking that I might have Crohn's. However, I recently learned that my Grandma (Dad's mom) had part of her intestines removed due to "bleeding ulcers" in the 1970s and my dad has ulcers in his duodenum (never diagnosed with IBD, but sounds like it to me). I also have a cousin on my dad's side of the family with Crohn's, so I am really starting to think that it comes from that side of the family and not my mom's.
Im the first in my family with Crohns.
My granny on my moms side has Colitis, but shes over 70 and thats apparently from old age, she didnt have it when she was younger.
My dad had stones in the gallbladder and had to get it removed though i dont know if thats relevant ti Crohns. (?)
My uncle on my dads side had an ulcer but he was overweight and didnt eat a healthy diet.
Yes Jetta, 2 sisters and 7 brothers all by the same parents. Apprently it gets cold in Michigan during the winter. Gotta stay warm somehow.

Peaches, you cracked me up so bad Janis had to come check on me!!
Brady bunch on steriods. LMAO
I'm similar to several of you on the forum--only one diagnosed with Crohn's but a lot of people in my family have gut issues. My Dad probably has the worst and although they haven't diagnosed him with Crohn's, he has had to have abscesses surgically removed and since he has psoriasis, he was started on a TNF-alpha inhibitor and it really helped his guts. My Mother has IBS, my sister has unspecified colitis, and my brother is starting to have problems (losing weight, stomach pain). My uncle died of colon cancer (on my Dad's side)...

So, for now, I'm the only one that has it for certain but I wouldn't be surprised if some of my relatives just haven't been properly diagnosed.
1st one diagnosed in my family, but I have a couple of cousins that have some issues, but are keeping it quiet from the rest of the family.

I have created awareness for my siblings childrens.
My Mum has had ulcerative colitis since she was the same age as me (24). However she managed to practically 'cure' her's before she had me by going on a restricted diet, she only had lamb, sunflower seeds, watercress, and water for about a year. She does get some flares every now and again, but keeps it under control. It's reassuring to know that she's been there and kind of knows what I'm going through.
It is all through my family, unfortunatley.
*My Mum and 1 Aunt have UC,
*Another Aunt has Cealiac,
*Myself and 1 other cousin have Crohns,
*Another cousin is in the process of being diagnosed with either UC or Crohns.
All of this is on my Mums side of the family - it makes me scared for any future children I may have... :(
I'm the first diagnosed. But I remember my grandfather being in the bathroom all the time in the 50's and 60's . My Mom has IBS but she never goes to the doctor.
I am the only one I know of in my family. Grandparents on both side alive and kicking in their 90's--no health issues!!! I pray that my children do not get this!!! Sue
Pirate said:
Yes Jetta, 2 sisters and 7 brothers all by the same parents. Apprently it gets cold in Michigan during the winter. Gotta stay warm somehow.

Peaches, you cracked me up so bad Janis had to come check on me!!
Brady bunch on steriods. LMAO

There are so many things I could say here but I have to keep it clean! It gets cold here too in Canada, but to stay warm, a heating pad is cheaper. :ylol2:

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