Crohns isn't enough...

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Feb 28, 2008
I've gotta have panic attacks and OCD on top of it.

I haven't had panic issues in over a year until just recently. I start getting OCD thoughts and then I just can't stop thinking about terrible horrible things that are going to happen to me and well...its a never ending cycle.

Anyone else battle this beast?
i've never had the OCD side of things, but i can certainly commiserate with you regarding panic and anxiety. i'm not suffering from them now, but have had really badly in the past, and occasionally i feel still panic/anxiety rising, but these days can more or less overcome the feelings without them getting worse.

it's an incredibly hard thing to get a handle on, and there's no magic potion to take away these thoughts & feelings, unfortunately. just try & relax as much as you can - relaxation made a difference to me back when i was suffering.
You know one thing that does help me Dingbat, is helping others. If i can focus on someone else's problems, it seems to help me. LOL
My mother had the same problems as you have. She is pretty much "cured" now, thanks to whats called cognitive behaviour therapy and Zoloft. She says it made a huge difference for her and she feels like herself again. Most people who have panic attacks and OCD can be rid of it with therapy and medication, so hang in there!

By the way i read online that people with cronic illnesses are actually more likely to have mental problems than others.
I don't think I have the OCD, but I am going to talk to my Dr about my panic attacks soon, I think sometimes the overwhelming feeling that this is a never ending battle can get to all of us and lately I have been haveing alot of panic attacks and over all deppression, but just like you, when I stop thinking of me and I try to help others in any way it seems to help me out alot. I've been comming here as much as I can and I can't even begin to tell you how much it helps. It is when I am all alone or wake up at night in pain I seem to fall to pieces.
Chronic inflammation can and does cause mental problems such as anxiety and depression. What seems a mental problem can sometimes be a reaction to a physiological problem.

That is why I say I am in better shape now than before my overt Crohn's symptoms started. I accidentally eliminated my life long depression by treating Crohn's with antiinflammatory supplements. I was not expecting that result, but that is what happened when I reduced the inflammation.


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