Crohn's Lore and 10 Years Ago...

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Jun 3, 2006
My name is Jason and I am 33 years old living in the Buffalo, NY area.

I married my wonder wife Kris in September of 1994. Sortly thereafter I had to move to Biloxi, MS for some schooling while she stayed in NY. When I returned in early 1995 we moved to our new assignment outside of Columbia, SC.

Memorial Day weekend that year I felt like a had the flu. Aches and pains with an intense fever. I had been very run down as of late and just chalked it up to pushing myself too hard. By the end of the weekend I was able to moitvate by my energy was gone. I still had a mild grade fever and pain in my mid-section that wouldn't subside. I felt it affected my appitite as I didn't ever feel like eating.

The summer of 1995 came and went and I had lost 44 pounds before saying enough was enough. In September 1995 I visited a military practician. HUGE mistake.

The medical motto of the military is "Hurry up and wait!". I went through nearly a year where the doctor who prescribe a medication to me. If it worked... good. If not, come see him in 8 weeks.

I was tested for everything from acid reflux to cancer. Nothing. I was still sick too. I finally got sick of the cycle and demanded to be referred to a specialist.

I was sent to Augusta, GA to a Dr. Henry Rosen, a fine jewish man from New York City. He had be prepping me for an endoscopy when my white cell counts came back extremely elevated and elected to work the full colonoscopy first. The man who did the procedure was Retired Marine Col. Peter McNally, who now works as the Director of Clinical Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and is a former medical spokesman for the American College of Gastroenterology.

I woke up in a hospital bed with tubes and wires and was told that my kidneys had begun to shut down to a lack of nutrition and severe dehydration. I felt as good as I could be. How would I have known my body digressed this badly? This was November 13, 1996. Just 3 days ago I was running a demo for my middle ages reenactment group and doing as well as I could be.

During that week long stay in the hospital I was told all about Crohn's. I listened intently while his case study staff asked questions and Dr. McNally talked in great detail about my case. It would change my life forever.

The bad news... I likely had this for the rest of my life. The good news... we fought like hell that week to keep my intestines intact.

It wouldn't be until mid-1998, once I was out of the military, that I was offically into remission for the first of three times. Medication would always be part of my daily routine. I went through a rough patch in late 2000 that would send my body in a downward spiral. My doctors here in NY trudged forward and got me over the hump. Getting me back into remission by Summer 2001 when my son was born.

Fever and pain returned in 2004 without warning and I wasn't able to shake it. Nights unending sweating through my pillow. My traditional means of pushing back into remission weren't working so they decided to bring out something that they waiting for years to give me. Remicade.

I began Remicade infusions in October 2004 with the most amazing results. In a single treatment it slammed my condition back into condition until July of this year when I fell off the wagon after buying our first house. I felt I would be fine by the condition had different plans.

After a strong round of testing I will be resuming the Remicade this month in hopes of going back into remission for a fouth time. I don't plan to fall off the wagon again.

Ten years later, still no surgeries, still have the intestines luckily and feel I still have alot to learn.

Thank you all for having me here.
Thanks for being here Jason and thanks for sharing your story.

Hope to see more of you around the site!

Take Care and Be Well
Hi Jason and welcome to the community!

While you have been through a lot, I am glad you have been able to avoid surgery for so long. It seems like you have a good medical team with you now, so things should stay good for you.

Very well written by the way :).
Hi Jason, and welcome to the site! I hope this next dose of remicade does the trick for you.
Question: did they not keep you on the remicade as a maitenance drug after it worked the last time? Im in "remission" but have been told I will be on remicade and methotrexate either until they stop working or something new and better comes along... so I guess for the rest of forever. lol
Aloha Jason & welcome to the forum. Hope the remicade does the trick. Good luck!
Hello and welcome. I may have to have remicade too or infliximab as I think it is called in the UK. Iam a bit anxious about using it cos of all the articles I have read about high risk of infection, blood diseases, nervous system probs. I take it you rate it then?
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone.

It's nice to know that there is a great support system out there for Crohn's patients. I remember when they first told me I had it. I had never heard that name before.

My upcoming infusion is the result of me "falling off the wagon" :smile:

My last one was in January and my aide told me to call and schedule my next appointment when I returned from my cruise to Nassau.

I got back, got busy buying a house and just lost track of time. But, in the process of working on the house I felt great and thought... "I'll be fine!"

After a week long camping trip at the end of June, an extremely hot and wet climate mixed with "camp food" took it's toll and July was a living hell.

My doctors spent the better part of the next few months with blood tests and evaluation. I also tape 6-MP drugs and need my liver levels monitored once in awhile if/when these things happen.

So once I finally got cleared... here I am. Ready to go back next Friday for my first infusion in over 9 months.

Yes. I give a hearty 2 thumbs up to Remicade. The first dose I ever got made a world of difference.

Thank you again everyone for your kind words and support.
Hi Jason, my younger brother tried Remicaid, and it worked for him, but at a high cost. He woke up one morning and could not move the lower half of his body. His upper body was weak, but he did manage to get himself to the phone and call for an ambulance, and the doctors in the ER said that this kind of weak muscle paralysis was a side effect of the Remicaid, so they told him that he had to go off of it, and back onto prednisone. He was really bummed about it, but none of the other drugs work for him, other than the steroids and the Pentasa.
I sincerely hope that you don't have any side effects with your latest infusion.
Hello again. Back after 55 days without electric from this storm we had in Buffalo.

Fortuneately, my team monitors me very closely as a take 6-MP drugs due to the cancer risks and they tell me to call if I experience any sudden weakness so they can get me the treatment I need.

I find it worth the risk to get my life back. The alternatives are nothing I want to think of.

I start support meetings with the local CCFA Chapter next Tuesday. I feel it's time to get more involved. I was even able to give my yearly charitable contributions to them for 2007.

I'll let you all know how my infusion goes. 3 days to go.
55 days? We live in rural region too. We plan to buy a generator that can power the house and well. I think your mention inspires me to pursue that option.
Welcome Jason, nice to meet you also. Tha'ts quite the story. So glad to hear that you have had no surgeries. Keep up that great attitude, and I look forward to hearing of your progress.
LOL. Whoops. Typo.

It was only 5 days :) Ya'll may have read about us online or saw us on the news.

5 days was enough in 30-40 degree weather but we heald out just fine.

I DID get my first remicade infusion since "falling off the wagon". I woke up this morning with the usual post-festivities headache but no back pain (I've RA in my back which Remicade was first made for) and I feel good. So, here's hoping.

Again, thanks to everyone who's said hello and gave support and love.

I have officially joined the CCFA and will be attending my first support meeting next Tuesday night.

Time to put the focus where it's needed.

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